7th April In History

Baring a few precious weekends, the month of April cannot be dubbed as an ’ordinary’ one. Each day of April has a significance of its own and April 7 is no different too, as far as historic importance is concerned. For instance, a detailed study of the events which occurred during World War II, which spanned over 6 years, will reveal the ghastly events which have occurred on this particular date. While a few leaders rose to power on this date and sparked off political revolutions, April 7 also marked the downfall of many undisputed leaders like Saddam Hussein. A research over the internet has revealed that dozens of prominent individuals were born and some have also died on this date. These names include renowned actors, painters, musicians, sportspersons as well as political leaders. It was quite interesting to know that these sources have even talked about events which dated back to as far as 1141, which proves how much time is spent by researchers in gathering facts related to a particular date alone. Scroll through these set of events to know more.




The ‘Lady Of The English’ Comes To Power

The famous Monarch Matilda, who also happened to be the daughter of King Henry I of England, was sworn in as the Empress of England on April 7, 1141. She is remembered till date as the ‘Lady of The English’.



Selim III Was Crowned The Sultan

Selim III was one of the prominent faces of the Ottomans and was announced the sultan of the empire on 7 April, 1789. He was hardly 28 years old when he succeeded Abdulhamid, another important Ottoman ruler.



Assassination Of Thomas D’Arcy McGee

Thomas D’Arcy McGee was one of the most prominent faces of Canadian politics. He is also remembered by many as the father of Canadian Confederation. Unfortunately, on April 7, 1868, this prolific writer and political leader was assassinated, sending shock waves across the country.



The ‘Algeciras Conference’ Ceases

The ‘Algeciras Conference’, a great political discussion held to discuss the acute political crisis in Morocco at the time, screeched to a halt on April 7, 1906. This political discussion spanned over a period of three months and several European nations participated in the conference.



The ‘Teapot Dome Scandal’

The ‘Teapot Dome Scandal’ was a yesteryear political scandal which rocked the United States during the 1920s. On April 7, 1922, renowned politician Albert Bacon Fall, who was also the Secretary of The Interior back then, facilitated the transfer of a precious natural resource to a firm named ‘Mammoth Oil’. The oil was extracted from a reserve named ‘Teapot Dome’ located in the United States.



Enforcement Of Anti-Jewish Laws

One infamous practice of the Nazis which the world would never forget is the way Jews across Europe were tormented by Hitler’s forces. The government passed the ‘Law For The Restoration Of The Professional Civil Service’ on April 7, 1933, which seemed like a deliberate attempt to suppress the Jews. The law stripped off the powers of Jewish people, especially those who were in government jobs. Eventually, people were also asked to boycott goods produced by Jews.



Albania Is Captured By Italy

Under the guidance of its then supreme leader Benito Mussolini, the Italian troops managed to successfully capture Albania on April 7, 1939.



Prisoners At Chelmno Death Camp Killed

The Chelmno death camp located in Poland is yet another place where the Nazis carried out their atrocious acts against the Jews. Several hundred thousand Jewish as well as non-Jewish prisoners from Poland and Russia were executed here. A castle in which the prisoners resided was deliberately destroyed on April 7, 1944 and the next series of executions were carried out a year later.



Axis Powers Conference

The face of Fascism, Benito Mussolini met the infamous Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler on April 7, 1943. Salzburg was the venue where the two great leaders decided to talk regarding the military situation in Europe at the time.



Ioannis Rallis Is Crowned The Prime Minister Of Greece

Renowned politician Ioannis Rallis rose to power on April 7, 1943 and was sworn as the Prime Minister of Greece. The European nation was under the clutches of the Axis powers back then and Rallis was the last premier of the nation before Greece gained independence.



Visoko Gains Freedom

Located in Bosnia, this city was under the clutches of Yugoslavia and later became a part of Nazi Germany. However, after a few decades, Visoko finally gained independence on April 7, 1945.



Syria Is Liberated From The Clutches Of France

Syria was a troubled state even several decades ago and at that time the nation was a colony ruled by the French forces. The nation finally gained independence from the European nation on April 7, 1946.



U.S President Eisenhower Proposes His Famous ‘Domino Theory’

Pressing on the turbulent situation in Vietnam and other parts of South Asia, former American president Dwight Eisenhower organized a press conference on April 7, 1954. During this talk with sections of the media, Eisenhower used a term called ‘Domino Theory’ which went on to be remembered for several decades.



American President Richard Nixon’s Announcement

It was a time when Vietnam was badly hit by the attack carried out by the American armed forces. Former American president Richard Nixon addressed the whole nation on April 7, 1971, notifying them about the crisis in Southeast Asia. This important announcement helped the masses understand what the government was trying to do.



Resignation Of John Stonehouse

The acclaimed former British politician made headlines on April 7, 1976, when he announced his resignation from the Labour Party. The decision was a huge blow to the party which was in power at that time and posed a threat to the government led by Prime Minister James Callaghan back then.



Siegfried Buback Assasinated

During an early morning drive, on April 7, 1977, Siegfried Buback, a lawman of German descent was assassinated. The assailant was motorcycle-borne, and fired several rounds at Buback as well as his driver, leaving both the dead.



Jimmy Carter’s Relationship With Iran

Former American president Jimmy Carter raised eyebrows around the United States on April 7, 1980 with his controversial declaration. Carter had announced to sections of the media that citizens from Iran would not be granted Visas and the rule was enforced on the same day. It is believed that the reason which provoked this decision was the attack on the American embassy in Tehran, which left the U.S officials fuming.



The Famous ‘Banana War’ Victory

The Banana War was a trading conflict between the United States and several European nations. The sale of bananas (produced in regions of South America) in the nations belonging to the ‘European Union’ was the reason behind the conflict. The ‘World Trade Organization’ (WTO) intervened in this conflict and on April 7, 1999 the initiative apparently passed a judgement that favored the Americans. Thus, several Americans celebrated this day, since it marked the end of the ‘Banana War’.



Olympic Relay Torch Protests

Chaos broke out on a street in London when the Olympic torch was being carried on April 7, 2008. The relay was disrupted by few individuals who hurled abuses at the Chinese government for ill-treating Tibetan nationals. The ruckus resulted in the police jumping into action and arresting at least 35 people.



Alberto Fujimori’s Imprisonment

The former President of Peru hit rock bottom on April 7, 2009, when he was found guilty by a court for several cases of human right violation. Some of the accusations included butchering individuals belonging to army. This resulted in Fujimori being sentenced for life-imprisonment.



The Protests Of Moldova

A massive mob of 10,000 had gathered on the streets of Moldova, Romania, in a bid to protest against the government. The people were revolting against the parliamentary elections, which were held in Moldova during that month and claimed that the event was fraudulent.



Captain John Barry Emerges Victorious

John Barry was an efficient leader of the American naval force, who shook the British by the feat he managed to achieve on April 7, 1776. Under his leadership, the American troops managed to capture the vessel ‘HMS Edward’ and this development was a huge blow to the British.



The Bloody ‘Battle Of Shiloh’ Ceases

Touted as one of the most infamous events of the historic American civil war, this battle was fought over a period of 2 days and concluded on April 7, 1862. The war was fought between the ‘Union’ and the ‘Confederate’ forces, resulting in the death of approximately 23,000 and is said to be one of the bloodiest battles of the American civil war.



Japanese Ship ‘Yamato’ Sinks

The vessel Yamato was easily the greatest strength of the Japanese naval forces during world war-II. However, on April 7, 1945, the ship ended up sinking after being attacked by American bomber aircrafts, which was a major setback for Japan.



Withdrawal Of Troops

The Soviet forces had invaded Afghanistan for quite some time and the conflict resulted in immense losses across the Asian nation. On April 7, 1988, the then defense minister of the Soviet Union decided to cease the war situation in Afghanistan by passing an order asking the Russian soldiers to return to their motherland.



War Begins In Chechnya

This grave episode of Russian history is something every citizen of the nation would want to forget. April 7, 1995 marked the beginning of the infamous ‘First Chechen War’. The sleepy Russian village of Samashki was the most affected and approximately 103 civilians were hacked to death here alone.



U.S Invades Iraq

The U.S, which was being governed by the Bush administration, launched an attack on Baghdad on April 7 the same year. A short while later the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was overthrown from power. He was eventually captured and executed by the United States.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Eruption Of Mount Vesuvius

Mount Vesuvius, a great natural landmark located near Naples, Italy, exploded on April 7, 1906, causing a devastating volcanic eruption. The disaster claimed the lives of nearly hundred people and several were displaced.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

A Buddhist Monastery Tragedy

A place of great religious importance, located in Shanghai, China was gutted by a deadly fire on April 7, 1948. According to sources, around 20 monks lost their lives in this tragedy.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The Horrific Death Of Racer Jim Clark

This horrific tragedy sent shock waves amongst the fans of the motor racing legend Jim Clark. A race held on this day in 1968 proved to be fatal for Clark, whose car went spinning in the air, resulting in his death.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The ‘Komsomolets’ Mishap

The ‘K-278 Komsomolets’ was a vessel owned by the Soviet naval forces. The world was horrified when media sources revealed that the Ship sank on April 7, 1989. Around 42 people who were onboard lost their lives in the accident.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

‘Scandinavian Star’ Catches Fire

This sophisticated passenger carrier vessel was launched during the early part of 1971. It is believed that during the wee hours of April 7, 1990 (approximately 2 A.M), the ship caught fire, burning down a large part of the ship and also killing more than 150 people onboard.



Jack Nicklaus Becomes The Youngest Winner Of Masters

The legendary Jack Nicklaus is one of the most iconic golf players of all time, who proved his mettle at a very young age. The ‘Masters’ tournament concluded on April 7, 1963 and Jack was crowned the winner. This earned him the accolade of being the youngest sportsperson at the time to bag this title.


Literature & Entertainment

Premiere Of Musician Ludwig Van Beethoven’sThird Symphony

Legendary musician Beethoven’s works have mesmerized music lovers all over the world and continue to be popular till date. Do you know when the third track of the Beethoven Symphony series released? If sources are anything to go by, it is April 7, 1805.


Literature & Entertainment

Translation Of The ‘Book Of Mormon’

The famous religious text ‘Book of Mormon’ was translated into the English language in a matter of just two months. The translation started on April 7, 1829 and concluded in the month of June.


Literature & Entertainment

The First Television Transmission

Several individuals from the media flocked a dwelling in New York on April 7, 1927. The reason was that they were getting to see how a television works for the first time. The first few images that the American television audience witnessed were that of America’s secretary of commerce Herbert Hoover.


Literature & Entertainment

Roger Ebert’s First Work As A Critic Reaches The Public

Most movie buffs would definitely know Roger Ebert, who is one of the greatest critics of the visual art medium. Ebert’s first review reached the masses on April 7, 1967 and the movie he talked about was ‘Galia’, a bold attempt of its time.


Literature & Entertainment

John Wayne Bags An Oscar

There are many actors out there who got their Academy awards after tremendous struggle and John Wayne happens to be one among them. After gaining accolades for his stellar performances in several flicks, Wayne bagged an Oscar on April 7, 1970 for his role in ‘True Grit”.



‘Charles University’ Opens

The world renowned ‘Charles University’, located in Prague, came into existence due to the interest of the famous monarch Charles IV. The educational institution was opened on the 7th of April, 1348.



John Walker Sells His Famous Invention

Not many know that John Walker has made several human lives easier. This great inventor is the man who introduced the ‘friction match’ to the world. According to a source, Walker had apparently sold around 250 such matches on the 7th of April, 1827. This event earned Walker a place in books related to history.



America’s Path-breaking Beer Policy

Many American citizens were relieved to hear that on April 7, 1933, the popular beverage Beer would finally be legal across the United States. Soon many Beer lovers flocked pubs to taste their favorite beverage.



Booker T Washington’s Postage Stamp

Booker T Washington belongs to the league of those few eminent personalities from the African-American community who has made his clan proud. April 7, 1940 is a date which many African-Americans would be proud of, since this was the day the nation’s first stamp featuring a black was introduced.



Establishment Of The World Renowned ‘WHO’

The ‘World Health Organization’, also known as ‘WHO’, is a concern of the ‘United Nations’ association. The firm and its guidelines were enforced on April 7, 1948 and since then ‘WHO’ has been catering to several serious health concerns plaguing the world.



‘IBM’ Reveals ‘IBM 701’ To The World

The world famous computing giant ‘IBM’ formally announced the launch of its ambitious product, the ‘IBM 701’ on April 7, 1953. The availability of this machine was considered to be a great milestone in the history of technology back then.



The Birth Of The Internet

The precious gift of technology which we heavily rely upon these days, was apparently introduced first way back in 1969. It was on this day that the first ‘RFC’, ‘Request For Comment’ document was printed.



The Famous Spacewalk

NASA launched a space shuttle for the sixth time in the year 1983. On April 7, 1983, astronauts Story Musgrave and his colleague did a spacewalk which grabbed the world’s attention and was considered by many as an incredible feat.



Business Tycoon Clive Sinclair Gives Away His Empire

Consumer Electronics baron Sir Clive Sinclair had amassed a huge fortune through his firm ‘Sinclair Research’. However, on April 7, 1986, Sinclair surprised many of his admirers by selling the firm for a whopping 5 Million Euros, taking many of his admirers by surprise.



The Heinous ‘Rwandan Genocide’

The sleepy African nation of Rwanda experienced one of its worst massacres in 1994. Starting on April 7, this heinous act of mass murder stretched for a period of hundred days and resulted in the death of approximately 1000,000 people.



An Attempt To Hijack ‘Federal Express Flight 705’

Auborn Calloway was an employee of the airline ‘Federal Express’, who was criticized for the lack of discipline in his work and was on the verge of losing his job. Infuriated, Calloway chose to seek revenge against his employers by hijacking one of its aircrafts. On 7th April, Calloway tried executing his plan, but he wasn’t successful.



Launch Of ‘Mars Odyssey’

Considered to be one of U.S space research giant ‘NASA’’s ambitious projects, this 2001 space mission was carried out with the help of a robotic spacecraft named ‘Odyssey’. The spacecraft was launched on April 7, 2001 and entered the orbit of Mars in October the same year.

People Born This Day

William Wordsworth
Poet [ British ]
Billie Holiday
One of the Greatest Jazz Singers from the 1930s to the 1950s [ American ]
Ravi Shankar
Musician, composer [ Indian ]
Walter Winchell
Journalist, Radio Personality [ American ]
Gabriela Mistral
Chilean poet [ Chilean ]
Francis Ford Coppola
One of the Best and Most Infulential Filmmakers of the 20th-Century [ American ]
Jackie Chan
One of the Most Popular Action Film Stars of All Time Known for His 'Slapstick Acrobatic' Fighting Style [ Hong Konger ]
Janis Ian
Singer, Songwriter, Musician & Author [ American ]
James Garner
Actor and Producer Best Known for His Role as ‘Bret Maverick’ in the Western ABC Series ‘Maverick’ [ American ]
Allen Dulles
US Director of Central Intelligence (1953-61) [ American ]
Russell Crowe
Actor Best Known for His Roles in the Films 'Gladiator', 'The Insider' and 'A Beautiful Mind' [ New Zealander ]
Allen Allensworth
Baptist Minister, Educator, Army Officer [ American ]
Francis Xavier
Missionary [ Spanish ]
William R. King
13th Vice President of the United States [ American ]
Will Keith Kellogg
Founder of the Kellogg Company [ American ]
Jerry Brown
34th and 39th Governor of California [ American ]
Kurt von Schleicher
German General and the Last Chancellor of Germany—Before Adolf Hitler—During the Weimar Republic [ German ]
David Frost
Television Host Best Remembered for the show 'Through the Keyhole' and 'That Was the Week That Was' [ British ]
John Oates
Musician, Best Known As Half of the Rock and Soul Duo 'Hall & Oates' [ American ]
Joe Gallo
Mobster [ Italian ]
Pearl Lowe
Fashion and Textiles Designer [ British ]
Gerhard Schröder
Chancellor of Germany from 1998 to 2005 [ German ]
Christopher Darden
Lawyer [ American ]
Daniel Ellsberg
Activist [ American ]
Gracie Haschak
Instagram Star [ American ]
Alexis Jordan
Singer [ American ]
MacKenzie Scott
Novelist, Ex-Wife of Jeff Bezos [ American ]
Jeon So-min
Actress, Model [ South Korean ]
Choi Si-won
Singer [ South Korean ]
Wayne Rogers
Actor [ American ]
Jennifer Schwalbach Smith
Actress [ American ]
Trayvon Vert
Canadian Instagram Star and Social Media Influencer [ Canadian ]
Singer-songwriter [ British ]
April Athena
American Youtube Vlogger [ American ]
Rykel Bennett
YouTube Star [ American ]
Kaitlan Collins
American Journalist and Chief White House Correspondent for 'CNN' [ American ]
Allie Sherlock
Irish Singer, Guitarist and Busker [ Irish ]
Grace Hightower
Actress, Robert De Niro’s Wife [ American ]
Kyra Smith
Dutch TV Actress Known for Her Role as Anika Hunter in the 2017 Live-Action Series ‘Hunter Street' [ Dutch ]
Kenneth Petty
Boyfriend of Rapper, Singer-Songwriter, and Actress Nicki Minaj [ American ]
Lorenzo Ostuni
Italian YouTube Star Known for His Funny Videos [ Italian ]
Jason Ralph
Actor and Theatre Producer Known for His Stage Play ‘The Woodsman’ [ American ]
Roblox Locus
Roblox Gamer, Vlogger [ American ]
Gorden Kaye
Actor [ British ]
Aaron Lohr
Actor Known for His Roles in Disney Studios Films: 'The Mighty Ducks' Series and 'Newsies' [ American ]
Marjory Douglas
Journalist [ American ]
Monroe Capri Bryant
TikTok Star [ American ]
Sydney Carlson
Instagram Star [ American ]
Josh Acosta
TikTok Star [ American ]
Lauren Kearns
British TikTok Star and Part of the Duo Em and Loz [ British ]
YouTube Star [ British ]
Karissa Rose
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Aubree Jones
American TikToker [ American ]
Ben Kim
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Max Krumme
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Jack Innanen
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Montez Wilson
American TikToker [ American ]
Brooke Brodack
American YouTuber [ American ]
Aaron Foster
British Instagrammer [ British ]
Lucy Bishop
British TikToker [ British ]
Martyn Littlewood
British YouTuber [ British ]
Matthew Moseley
British Instagrammer [ British ]
Henry Moodie
British TikToker [ British ]
British Twitch Streamer [ British ]
Kaylee Bodiford
American TikToker [ American ]
Tori Hubbard
American TikToker [ American ]
American Twitch Streamer [ American ]
Kenzie Yolles
American YouTuber [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Emily Mansfield
American YouTuber [ American ]
Teron Harris
American Instagrammer [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Jeff Logan
American Instagrammer [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Jonny 4fun
American TikToker [ American ]
Jordan Johnson
American TikToker [ American ]

People Died This Day

Henry Ford
The Founder of the ‘Ford Motor Company’ [ American ]
P. T. Barnum
Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut from 1875 to 1876 [ American ]
William Godwin
Journalist [ British ]
Begum Hazrat Mahal
Wife of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah [ Indian ]
Toussaint Louverture
Leader of the Haitian Revolution [ French ]
Aristide Briand
Prime Minister [ French ]
Walter Huston
One of the Modern Theater's Greatest Actors [ American ]
Leonid Kantorovich
Russian Mathematician and Winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize in Economics [ Russian ]
Norman Taurog
Film Director [ American ]
El Greco
Greek Painter, Sculptor and Architect of the Spanish Renaissance [ Greek ]
John Prine
Known for an Often Humorous Style of Original Music That Has Elements of Protest and Social Commentary [ American ]
Carl Schmitt
German Jurist, Political theorist and Prominent Member of the Nazi Party [ German ]
Joe Gallo
Mobster [ Italian ]
Peaches Geldof
British Model, Television Personality and Writer for the UK Edition of ‘Elle Girl’ Magazine [ British ]
Mike Wallace
Journalist, TV Presenter, Host [ American ]
Charles VIII of France
King of France from 1483 to 1498 [ French ]
Yang Kyoungjong
World War II Soldier [ South Korean ]
Brenda Benet
Actress [ American ]
John Agar
Actor [ American ]
David Graf
Best Known for His Role as ‘Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry’ in the ‘Police Academy’ Film Series [ American ]
Mya-Lecia Naylor
Actress [ British ]
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