French dictator Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "History is a set of lies agreed upon." Just as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, history too is a version recounted by the victor. But how do we decide if the stories from the past are true or otherwise? It thus becomes essential to be acquainted with the past so that we have a better understanding of the events. Towards this goal let us begin by studying the incidents which occurred on April 8. It is not just a number but as you'll see later on that it witnessed a number of significant occurrences. This day in history bears testimony to events that changed the course of history and mankind – from bloody battles to technological advancements, to several landmark decisions being taken by world leaders, to numerous records being created by sportsmen across the globe, to deadly disasters which caused loss of life and property – this day has seen it all. Tune in to Today in History and delve deep into the realms of history. Who knows what you might uncover?