As they say, ‘history repeats itself’. Therefore, to be in a better disposition we need to keep our historical knowledge updated. However, it is not always the wrongs that we need to keep an account of; most of the time it is the recollection of achievements of our ancestors that we remember, hindering them from slipping into oblivion. Many great inventions and discoveries that have changed our lives for good have their roots in the past. The path on which we have traversed and reached this far has been paved by our forefathers or we can say it is our history that has brought us to this stage.
Every date holds a unique significance, be it a day in the BC or the past year. For instance, the Czech Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 28th March, a date which repeats in the calendar every year. Even then this date has great importance when seen in terms of past events; happenings which occurred on this day have been instrumental in bringing about massive changes in world history. A peep into this date will provide us with a substantial dose of history.