27th March In History

Today, we take a look at the 86th day of the year on the Gregorian Calendar- March 27. According to numerous sources, March 27th is probably one of the most noteworthy days in the year. The reason? The day stands firm as the most number- in average- of deaths and births of famous people. Since there is no proof to validate this as not more than just a coincidence, we move on to the past events that have occurred this day that has marked this day as to what it is known as. With some good events such as the formation of the US Navy, the launch of the fastest X-43A jet aircraft, to the inaugural rugby match and Tom hanks bagging the golden statue for his role in Forest Gump. Next we look at the events that left millions wounded physically and mentally, such as the Good Friday earthquake, the Palm Sunday tornado, the Cincinnati riots and the order of Operation Starvation by the US. While scrolling through some of these heartbreaking events, it is important that we reflect on this quote by Mahatma Gandhi to learn from our past mistakes and make better what we’ve learnt. “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”


87 BC


Zhao Of Han Becomes Emperor At The Age Of Just Eight

The youngest son of Emperor Wu of Han, the emperor of the Western Han dynasty, succeeded his father two days before his death. Dying at an early age of 20, Zhao’s reign was viewed as prosperous and a time of peace for his dynasty by historians.



Pope Clement V Excommunicates And Interdicts Venetians From The Catholic Church

Following the seize of Ferrara by the Este family and the Venetians, a land which was one of the Papal states, Clement V excommunicated and interdicted the Venetians from the Church. He cut commercial ties with them and when the excommunication failed to prove his point, he declared a crusade against them, stating that any Venetians caught abroad would be sold as slaves.



Pope John XXII Issues His In Agro Dominico Condemning Some Writings Of Meister Eckhart As Heretical

In what was the time of the Holy Roman Inquisition, Pope John XXII accused German theologian Meister Eckhart of being a heretic. Eckhart was once quoted as saying, “friars in Teutonia who say things in their sermons that can easily lead simple and uneducated people into error".



Charles I Of England Is Pronounced King Of England, Ireland And Scotland

The son of King James VI of Scotland, Charles I succeeded the throne after the death of his elder brother Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales. His reign was marked with turmoil, more because of his imposition of Anglican practices on the people, which sparked civil wars.



Charles Watson-Wentworth Becomes The Prime Minister Of Great Britain

Charles Watson-Wentworth, the 2nd Marquess of Rockingham rose to become the Prime Minister of Great Britain. His two terms as Prime Minister were regarded as influential.



The United States Congress Passes The Naval Act Of 1794

The Naval Act of 1794 was passed by the Congress to restore and re-establish the Naval Force. By doing so, the Congress commissioned the original six warships of the United States Navy, which did cost them $688,888.82.



The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Is Ratified

The pact which was signed between the United States and the Soviet Union was passed to ensure the nullification of short-distance, ballistic or intermediate range missiles and nuclear power. The distance mentioned was between 500- 5,500kms.



Canada Becomes The First Country To Withdraw From The United Nations Convention

The United Nations decided to hold a convention, with its focus being on desertification. The convention included sustainable development, good governance and mitigation of droughts and famines affecting various parts of the world. Canada was the first country to state their intention to withdraw from the convention. The move was deemed as “an embarrassment” for the country and “regretful” by many.



Philippines Establishes Peace Treaty With Muslim Rebel Group, The Moro Islamic Liberation Front

After a conflict that lasted four and a half decades and claiming the lives of more than 120,000 civilians, the Philippine government and the Muslim separatist group established a peace treaty. The treaty intended to douse the violence that marred the development of the nation. The terms of the treaty ensured that the guerrilla fighters lay down their arms and hand it over to the government, while the Government would grant them independence in certain regions in return.



Peninsular War: Battle Of Ciudad Real

On March 27th, the French and Polish legions marched together against the Spanish troops. By the bridge over the Guadiana River, the French and Polish soldiers besieged the Spanish troops, who fled at the sight of defeat. General Sebastiani commanded the French unit to victory, while General Conde de Cartojal was sacked for his incompetence.



Battle Of Horseshoe Bend Ends The Creek Wars

A battle which was part of the Wars of 1812, the United States and their India Allies under the command of Major General Andrew Jackson trounced the Red Sticks (Native Americans) at the battle of Horseshoe Bends. The victory finished the war between the US and the indigenous Creek tribes.



Texas Revolution: The Goliad Massacre

Under orders from the President of Mexico, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, and commander during the Texas revolution, the Mexican Army slaughtered 342 Texas prisoners of war. Despite reluctance from Colonel José Nicolás de la Portilla, who wanted to show clemency to the prisoners, he was ordered by the government to fulfil his obligation and carry out the massacre.



The Apache War Ends As Apache Leader Geronimo Surrenders

The Apache Wars which were fought between the United States and the Native Mexicans ended when their leader Geronimo surrendered to the American troops. A war that was fought simultaneously with the American Civil war lasted from 1849 to 1886, as the Native Mexicans fought to protect their homeland from the Americans after a portion of Mexico was added to the United States.



Philippine’s First President Emilio Aguinaldo Leads His Army In Battle Against The Americans

In what is known as the Ököritófülpös during the Philippines-American War, the President himself, Emilio Aguinaldo, led his troops to a victory with his tactical brilliance. The President ordered that the bridges surrounding the area be brought down so that the only option for the Americans was to meet them at this point, which served as an impeccable vantage point for the Pilipino army.



Battle Of Taierzhuang Takes Place

The Battle of Taierzhuang, which took place as part of the ongoing Second Sino-Japanese War saw the Chinese trounce the Japanese forces for the first time. Till then, the Japanese forces were perceived as an invincible force and this defeat raise the morale and belief of the Chinese.



The Battle Of The Komandorski Islands Between The Japanese And Americans Takes Place

One of the few battles which were fought only between naval ships, the purpose of the battle was for the Americans to intercept the Japanese naval ships carrying a supply convoy to aid the troops in Aleutian Islands of Alaska. Known as one of the last pure gunnery battles fought ever in naval history at sea, the Japanese emerged victorious though both sides lacked a tactical plan. In what was termed as a strategic failure, Admiral Hosogaya withdrew before completely destroying the American naval ships. Never again did he serve in battle.



America Kick Starts “Operation Starvation” On The Japanese

An ancient war tactic to besiege the land of the enemy and starve them from supplies and food till they die of starvation or surrender, America adopted a similar tactic to destabilize Japan in the World War – Operation Starvation. Using parachutes, the American troop dropped mines all over the Japanese vital water routes and ports. By disturbing their logistics and the movement of troops, Japan was finally handcuffed in World War II.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The Middle Mississippi Valley Tornado Outbreak Claims 146 Lives

Nicknamed "the whirling tiger of the air" by the media, this tornado gave birth to 24 other tornadoes in its course, collectively killing 146 people. The most noteworthy of the 24 was the tornado that came in contact with Louisville, Kentucky and measured F4 on the Fujita scale. This tornado itself destroyed 766 buildings worth two and a half million collectively and claimed 126 lives in the process.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Fire In A Popular Barn In Ököritófülpös, Hungary, Kills 312

Ököritófülpös, a Northern Great Plain region of eastern Hungary was famous for its popular barn dances and on March 27th a fire resulted in one such event led to the death of 312 people.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The Good Friday Earthquake Kills 139 People

Also known as the Great Alaskan Earthquake, as the epicenter of destruction was in South-Central Alaska; it measured a horrifying 9.2 on the Richter scale. The quake was recorded as the most-powerful in North American history and second most powerful in the world. It caused crevices on the ground, spawned a tsunami, landslides, destruction of property and claimed 139 lives.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Tenerife Airport Disaster: Fatal Collision Kills 583 People

In what is known as the deadliest accident in aviation history, two Boeings’ 747, the KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736, collided as a result of miscommunication and poor sight, a result of thick fog. A bomb explosion at Gran Canaria Airport and fear of another diverted most of the planes to the Los Rodeos Airport. It was here that the miscommunication occurred and claimed the lives of 583 people. After a heated debate, the KML crew aggrievedly claimed responsibility for the blunder and the families of the perished were compensated by the airline.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The Norwegian Oil Platform Alexander L. Kielland Capsizes In The North Sea, Killing 123

Pronounced as the worst Norwegian disaster offshore since World War II, the Alexander L. Kielland drilling rig, which is named after a famous writer, capsized a little before 7P.M after the crew heard a sharp crack. The crack was caused by the gusting winds and unfavorable weather which heaped the boat to a 30 degree angle. 123 of the 212 members perished in the accident.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak Strikes Texas, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, And North Carolina

The third tornado outbreak on Palm Sunday in history caused a loss of $140-million in property as it tracked 200-miles to South Carolina. About 491 people were injured and 40 people lost their lives including 20 of the Sunday churchgoers of the Goshen United Methodist Church near Piedmont, Alabama, who succumbed to the roof collapse.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The Situ Gintung Dam Breach In Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia Kills 99

The failure of the Situ Gintung dam on March 27th, 2009, caused flash floods in the surrounding areas which claimed the lives of 99 people and severe loss of property.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

A 6.0-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Near Taipei, Taiwan, Injuring 97 People

At 3.06 P.M an earthquake scaling 6.0 on the Richter scale struck Taipei damaging at least 174 schools and other buildings. 97 people were injured with the majority compromising of students.



The First International Rugby Match Is Held Between Scotland And England

Under the gaze of 4000 spectators at the Raeburn Place, Edinburgh, the first and historic rugby match was held. Looked upon as the birth of a sport that would transcend generations in popularity, the match was taken home by the Scots.



Seattle Metropolitans Win The Stanley Cup Finals

The Seattle Metropolitans went on to make history by becoming the first United States NHL team to win the Stanley cup, a cup that rivals the playoff teams of leagues around the world. They beat the defending champs Montreal Canadiens by winning three games of the five match series.



Larry Holmes Thumps Lucien Rodriguez To Retain The Heavyweight Boxing Title

In what was his 14th defense to his title as World heavyweight champion, Holmes clinically defeated Rodrigues by winning 12 rounds out of 12 in what he called his “Homecoming” match. The win made Holmes one of the greatest heavyweight fighters in history.



Randy Savage Is Crowned The Undisputed WWF Champion At The Wrestlemania IV

In what was the fourth edition of the Wrestlemania, Randy Savage, who is popularly known as “The Macho Man” defeated wrestler Ted DiBiase to be crowned the Champion.


Literature & Entertainment

Legendary Frank Sinatra Releases “I'm A Fool To Want You”

A song that would eventually make its way to the Frank Sinatra “Greatest Hits” compilation, ‘I'm A Fool To Want You’ released on March 27th by Columbia records and reached a peak of #14 on the pop charts.


Literature & Entertainment

Ringo Starr Releases His First Studio Album Sentimental Journey

While the Beatles were trudging towards their split, Ringo Starr released his first studio album to launch his solo career. The release of the album was hastened to avoid it clashing with the release of Beatle’s last ever album “Let It Be”.


Literature & Entertainment

No-Show By Marlon Brando Despite Winning Actor For The Godfather At The 45th Academy Awards

A decision that caused turbulence amongst the acting industry, Marlon Brando refused to attend the Academy Awards in protest of the ill-treatment of the indigenous people or the Native Americans. On his behalf, activist Sacheen Littlefeather took stage to acknowledge his win.


Literature & Entertainment

John Lennon Single “Watching The Wheels” Is Released Four Months After His Death In United Kingdom

In what was his first single to be released posthumously, the song peaked at number 30 on the UK charts. The world anticipated the release of the album as the singer’s life was tragically cut short as he was killed by fanatical fan Mark Chapman on December 8th, 1980.


Literature & Entertainment

Forrest Gump Walks Away With 5 Oscars At The 67th Academy Awards

On what was the highest viewed award show since the 55th Academy Awards with more than 48-million viewers, the movie Forrest Gump won 5 golden statues. Actor Tom Hanks was again crowned the best actor while Jessica Lange was nominated as the best actress.



Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce De León Reaches The Northern End Of The Bahamas

In what was part of his mission to discover Florida which was then named La Florida, Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce De León reached the tip of the Bahamas in his pursuit to Florida. He was eventually granted the title of Governor of Puerto Rico.



Hugh Mcgary Jr. Establishes What Is Now Evansville, Indiana

Evansville, Indiana, which grew into an economical, financial and industrial center because of its geographical position by the Ohio River, was founded by Hugh McGary Jr. The city was named McGary after Col. Robert M. Evans.



The First Steam Engine Is Tested With Its Motive To Aide Firefighters

Following a dire need to find better solutions to douse fires, insurance companies turned to mechanical engineer Paul Rapsey Hodge to build a steam engine that could forcefully purge water to douse any fire with ease. On March 27th, 1841, Hodge demonstrated what would be known as the first ever steam engine in New York City. The locomotive engine spat out a liter and a half of water and was approved immediately by the team overlooking the project.



The Basingstoke Riots Takes Place

Following the move by the Salvation Army, a Christian group, to promote teetotalism across Basingstoke, the residents of the region and those employed by breweries took to the streets to object.



Cincinnati Riots Is Sparked

In what was declared as one of the worst riots in American history, the Cincinnati courthouse riot was caused when the jury failed to overturn a manslaughter case when it was indeed glaring to all that the victim was murdered. In a time when courthouses were puppets of corrupt politicians, the mob took a stand in this case and burnt down the courthouse. 50 people were pronounced dead as a result of the violence.



The First Long-Distance Telephone Call Between Boston And New York Is Made

A few years after the first ever telephonic conversation was made between the President, Rutherford B. Hayes, and Alexander Graham Bell, the first long distance call was made between Boston and New York. The call was facilitated with the use of copper instead of galvanized iron as it had less attenuation.



The First Cherry Blossom Trees Were Planted In Washington, DC

A gift from Japan to serve as a token of their friendship, the Cherry Blossom, which is a symbol of the Japanese culture and its transformation, was planted on the northern bank of the Tidal Basin. Helen Herron Taft and the Viscountess Chinda, wife of the Japanese Ambassador planted the first two saplings of the 3,020 cherry trees that had been shipped from Yokohama.



Typhoid Mary Is Quarantined For The Rest Of Her Life

Mary Mallon, who is popularly known as “Typhoid Mary” is the first person to have been identified with the typhoid virus. In her career as a cook, Mary apparently passed the disease on to 51 people, claiming the lives of three of them. After investigations led the cops to Mary, she was forcibly isolated and quarantined. She spent the next three decades of her life in isolation in the quarantine, till she died of pneumonia.



Dr Richard Beeching Issues The Beeching Axe

In an attempt to restructure the British railways and counter their losses as compared to the other transportation competitors, Dr. Richard Beeching issued the Beeching Axe. In order to accomplish this and by doing so, the Beeching Axe issue axed several rail routes that amounted to their losses and made it cost efficient.



Construction Of The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System Commences Despite Protests

Despite protests by environmental conservationists against the very idea of the Project, work on the 800-mile Trans-Alaska Pipeline System commenced. The pipeline which stretched from Prudhoe Bay, to Valdez, Alaska was fueled by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company.



The First 4.6 Miles Of The Washington Metro Subway System Is Opened To The Public

Now the second busiest transit system in United States, the Washington Metro opened on March 27. The route was a 7 and a half kilometer stretch for public use, from Farragut North to Rhode Island Avenue.



Silver Thursday

In an attempt to “corner the market” and establish complete dominion over this commodity, the Hunt brothers dipped the price of silver drastically, a move which caused panic with regard to the stock market. The attempt to do so was branded as Silver Thursday.



1981 Warning Strike In Poland

With the Polish Government attempting to clamp down on the Solidarity (Largest Polish trade union), and its members Jan Rulewski, Mariusz Łabentowicz and Roman Bartoszcze beaten up by authorities, the warning strike took place. In what is the largest strike in Polish history, between 12- 14-million people walked out of their jobs for four hours.



The FDA Approves Of Viagra To Be Sold In The Market

In what was a sigh of relief for millions of impotent men around the world, the Food and Drug Administration approved of Sildenafil, better known as Viagra. The decision was the first ever in United States History, as it was the first ever pill to be approved which treats sexual dysfunctions.



Nasa Tests The Fastest Aircraft X-43 For The Second Time

In an unimaginable breakthrough, NASA tested the fastest unmanned vehicle, the X-43. The aircraft smashed records by reaching a speed of Mach 9.2, which converts to 11,000km/h. In March 2004, they made their first successful test when the craft touched Mach 6.83 or 7,401 km/h.



3-D Printing Technology To Utilized To Perform World's First Skull Transplant

In what is the ultimate breakthrough for reconstructive surgeries, a team lead by Dutch doctor Bon Verweij of the University Medical Center in Utrecht performed the first ever skull transplant surgery. The team used 3-D printing to recreate the shape and size of the patient’s skull and supplanted it to save his life.

People Born This Day

Mariah Carey
First Artist to Have Her First Five Singles Reach #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 [ American ]
Quentin Tarantino
One of the Most Influential Directors of His Generation [ American ]
James Callaghan
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1976 to 1979 [ British ]
Gloria Swanson
Actress and Producer Best Known for Her Motion Picture Drama ‘Sunset Boulevard’ [ American ]
Alfred de Vigny
French Poet and Early French Romanticist [ French ]
Michael York
Actor [ British ]
Wilhelm Rontgen
German Mechanical Engineer and Winner of the 1901 Nobel Prize in Physics [ German ]
Edward Steichen
Photographer [ American ]
Ivan Gašparovič
Former President of Slovakia [ Slovak ]
Otto Wallach
German Chemist Who was Awarded Nobel Prize for His Work on Alicyclic Compounds [ German ]
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Architect [ German ]
Mariano Rajoy
Former Prime Minister of Spain [ Spanish ]
Nathan Fillion
Actor [ Canadian ]
Brenda Song
Actress [ American ]
Manuel Neuer
German Professional Football Player Who Plays as a Goalkeeper [ German ]
David Coulthard
British Former Racing Driver [ British ]
Maria Rasputin
Russian Circus Performer and Daughter of Russian Mystic Grigori Rasputin [ Russian ]
Famous as the Member of Hip-Hop Group 'Black Eyed Peas' [ American ]
Pauley Perrette
Television Actress, Activist, Singer [ American ]
Jessie J
Pop Singer-Songwriter Known for Her Albums 'Who You Are', 'Alive' and 'Sweet Talker' [ British ]
Demi Rose
Instagram Star [ British ]
Choi Min-soo
Actor [ South Korean ]
Sebastian Bear-McClard
American Actor, Director, and Producer Known for His Films: ‘Heaven Knows What’ and ‘Good Time’ [ American ]
Ross Ulbricht
Drug Trafficker [ American ]
Kathleen Bassett
Dabo Swinney's Wife [ American ]
Nora Volkow
Mexican-American Psychiatrist and Director of the ‘National Institute on Drug Abuse’ [ American ]
FaZe baby
YouTube Star [ American ]
Kirsten Collins
Singer [ Canadian ]
Buster Posey
Baseball Player [ American ]
Lisa Manoban
Thai Rapper, Singer and Member of the South Korean Girl Group ‘Blackpink’ [ Thai ]
American Gamer and YouTube Star [ American ]
Franny Arrieta
YouTuber [ American ]
Christine Sydelko
YouTube Star [ American ]
Tilly Mills
British TikTok Star and YouTuber Who Is the Younger Sister of Max and Harvey Mills [ British ]
Talisa Soto
Known for Portraying Bond Girl 'Lupe Lamora' in the 1989 James Bond Film 'Licence to Kill' [ American ]
Anne Ramsey
Actress [ American ]
Holliday Grainger
Actress [ British ]
David Janssen
Best Known for His Role as ‘Richard Kimble’ in the TV Series ‘The Fugitive’ [ American ]
Anthony Lasuzzo
American Businessman and Retired Oil Geologist [ American ]
Emmeline Bale
Daughter of Christian Bale and Sibi Blažić [ American ]
Halle Bailey
American Singer-Songwriter and Actress [ American ]
Malia Jones
American Model and Surfer [ American ]
Michael Harney
Actor [ American ]
Benji Travis
YouTuber [ American ]
Jon Paul Steuer
Actor [ American ]
Blake McIver Ewing
Singer-Songwriter & Actor, Known for Playing 'Derek' on the Sitcom 'Full House' [ American ]
Jayda Marie
Instagram Star [ American ]
Maria Paulina
Venezuelan TikTok Star [ Venezuelan ]
Jace Ingham
YouTuber [ British ]
Erin Bowyer
British Model, Lifestyle YouTuber, and Instagram Star [ British ]
Canadian Social Media Personality, Animator, Comedian, and YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Salem Tovar
American YouTuber [ American ]
Arianna Flowers
American TikToker [ American ]
Meilani Parks
American TikToker [ American ]
Ruby Lyn
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Mitchell Moffit
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Kate Hutchins
British Instagrammer [ British ]
Alex O'Connor
British YouTuber [ British ]
Lily April Rose
British YouTuber [ British ]
Ash Thrower
British TikToker [ British ]
Kim Holderness
American YouTuber [ American ]
Carly Joy
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Zachkary Jones
American TikToker [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Delano Edwards
American YouTuber [ American ]
Delaney Walsh
American TikToker [ American ]
Ava Dilorenzo
American TikToker [ American ]
Vicky Jin
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Catarina Frazão
Portuguese TikToker [ Portuguese ]
Daniel Ferrell
American YouTuber [ American ]
Rufus Rice
American TikToker [ American ]
Ryan Hamilton
American Facebook Star [ American ]
Grey's World
American YouTuber [ American ]
Marley Arnold
American TikToker [ American ]
Matt Storms
American TikToker [ American ]
Melinda Pettit
American YouTuber [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Tiptoe Tingles ASMR
American YouTuber [ American ]
Logan Micke
American TikToker [ American ]

People Died This Day

Adrienne Rich
American poet [ American ]
Henry Adams
Historian Known for His Work 'The History of the United States of America 1801–1817' [ American ]
Dudley Moore
Actor, Comedian and One of the Four Writer-Performers in the Comedy Revue ‘Beyond the Fringe’ [ British ]
John Bright
British Radical and Liberal Politician [ British ]
Billy Wilder
One of the Most Brilliant and Versatile Filmmakers of 'Classic Hollywood Cinema' With a Career Spanning Five Decades [ American ]
King James I
King of Scotland [ British ]
Milton Berle
American Actor and Comedian Who Became the First Major American Television Star [ American ]
Daniel Kahneman
Winner of 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics for His Work on the Psychology of Judgment and Decision-Making [ American ]
Malcolm Cowley
Novelist & Poet [ American ]
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Indian Islamic Reformer and Educationist Who Founded the ‘Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College’, the First Muslim University in Southern Asia [ Indian ]
M. C. Escher
Dutch Graphic Artist Best Known for His Works: ‘Hand with Reflecting Sphere’, ‘Relativity’ and ‘Waterfall’ [ Dutch ]
Margaret of Valois
Queen Consort of France (1589 - 1599), Queen Consort of Navarre (1572 - 1599) [ French ]
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Painter, Printmaker [ Italian ]
Madeleine Astor
Socialite [ American ]
Fazlur Rahman Khan
Structural Engineer and Architect Known for His Innovations in High-Rise Building Construction [ Bangladeshi ]
Yuri Gagarin
Soviet Pilot and Cosmonaut Who Became the First Man to Travel into Outer Space [ Russian ]
Mary of Burgundy
Former Duchess of Burgundy (1477 - 1482) [ Belgian ]
Aldo Ray
Actor [ American ]
Diana Hyland
Best Known for Her Role as ‘Mickey Lubitch’ in the Film ‘The Boy in the Plastic Bubble’ [ American ]
Maria Fitzherbert
George IV of the United Kingdom's wife [ British ]
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