Today, we take a look at the 86th day of the year on the Gregorian Calendar- March 27. According to numerous sources, March 27th is probably one of the most noteworthy days in the year. The reason? The day stands firm as the most number- in average- of deaths and births of famous people. Since there is no proof to validate this as not more than just a coincidence, we move on to the past events that have occurred this day that has marked this day as to what it is known as. With some good events such as the formation of the US Navy, the launch of the fastest X-43A jet aircraft, to the inaugural rugby match and Tom hanks bagging the golden statue for his role in Forest Gump. Next we look at the events that left millions wounded physically and mentally, such as the Good Friday earthquake, the Palm Sunday tornado, the Cincinnati riots and the order of Operation Starvation by the US. While scrolling through some of these heartbreaking events, it is important that we reflect on this quote by Mahatma Gandhi to learn from our past mistakes and make better what we’ve learnt.
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”