26th March In History

All these years March 26 came and went by and most of us didn’t realize its significance, but after reading the facts enlisted here we will have a different opinion. Various online sources have revealed that even back in 1027, this date was of great significance, especially to the Roman masses since their ruler was chosen on this date. One instance of the recent times to have occurred on March 26 is the election of Russian president Vladimir Putin, who is now considered to be a great leader. Many drastic developments have occurred in the fields of politics, war, literature and entertainment on this day. Several wars ended and great leaders from powerful nations happened to meet on this day. Unfortunately, March 26 is also a day which brings back several bad memories to many and has scarred thousands. Are you wondering what we are talking about? The day is infamous for several natural disasters and mishaps, which have killed many, causing grief to the families of the deceased. Thus, March 26 is a lot more prominent than we think.




The Crowning Of Conrad II

At the ‘Old Saint Peter’s Basilica’, the religious leader Pope John XIX announced the famous historical figure, Conrad II as the ‘holy emperor of Rome’. His wife was announced the empress at the same event held in Rome.



Assassination Of Charles III

Charles III was a former monarch who was crowned the Duke of Parma and served in this position for a period of five years, ranging from 1849 till his sudden demise 1854. On March 26, 1854, the duke was stabbed by his assailant in the carriage and Charles passed away a day later.



Birth Of The ‘German Social Democratic Party’

March 26, 1922 witnessed yet another prominent event, which found a place in the history books. The party, which is one of the biggest political outfits in Germany today, is the result of the culmination of other associations like ‘Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany’ and ‘Social Democratic Workers Party of Austria’.



The Rise Of The ‘Ho Chi Minh Communist Union’

China has been in news for its Communist movement and the ‘Ho Chi Minh Communist Union’ holds a special place in the nation’s rich political history. On 26th March 1931, this political party was founded and is now one of the prominent outfits of its kind in the nation.



John F Kennedy Meets British Premier Macmillan

This famous meeting occurred in 1960, at the Key West station in Florida. The British premier flew down from Trinidad to discuss the grave political situation at Laos, Vietnam. The bloody civil war in the South-East Asian region had resulted in a huge number of casualties.



Signing The Egypt-Israel Treaty

Former American president Jimmy Carter was the mediator of this famous meeting, the motive of which was to bring peace between the Prime Ministers of Egypt and Israel. Egyptian political leader Anwar Sadat and Israel’s former first man Menachem Begin shook hands and signed on the dotted lines of the peace treaty on this day.



Foundation Of The Social Democratic Party

Nicknamed the ‘Gang of Four’, politicians David Owen, Roy Jenkins, Shirley Williams and Bill Rodgers joined hands to announce the formation of their political outfit, the ‘Social Democratic Party’, on March 26, 1981. These leaders were former members of the ‘Labour Party’ before founding ‘SDP’.



Division Of Control In South Korea

While North Korea has been in the clutches of dictatorship, South Korea witnessed an unconventional political revolution in 1991. The style of administration changed drastically when the Local and Regional Council Elections were held on March 26, this year. Several local governments mushroomed in the nation and control was distributed.



‘Schengen Treaty’ Being Enforced

The ‘European Economic Community’ consists of 10 member states and all of them mutually agreed to sign the ‘Schengen Treaty’ in 1985. However, the guidelines of the document were enforced only on March 26, 1995.



Vladimir Putin Rise To Power

Most of us are aware of the efficiency of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the manner in which he rose to power is a dramatic tale. Boris Yeltsin’s unexpected resignation in 2000 led to presidential elections being held at short notice. On 26 March, 2000, Putin was announced the winner since he managed to garner 53% of the votes.



Anti-Secession Law Demonstrations

During 2004, the Chinese authorities informed the masses that an ‘Anti-Secession Law’ would be enforced in the country, which prevented Taiwan from becoming independent from China. This created a huge outcry amongst the citizens of Taiwan and thousands of them gathered at Taipei city to express their objection against this law.



Protests On The Streets Of London

Termed as the ‘March for the alternative’, the ‘Trades Union Congress’ had plotted this agitation against the expenditure cuts of the David Cameron government. Unbelievably, around 250,000 to 500, 000 people had gathered at Central London to protest against this move of the government.



The End Of The Infamous ‘Balkan War’

The ‘Balkan War’, a clash involving the Ottoman Empire and the Balkan league ended on March 26, 1913. The Balkan league comprised of four nations namely Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia as well as Montenegro and together they posed a big threat to the powerful Ottoman military regime. The war is also recognized as the ‘Siege of Adrianople’ by many.



‘World War I’ – The First Battle Of Gaza

While speaking of World War I, the ‘First Battle of Gaza’ fought in the Middle-East on 26th March, 1917, definitely deserves a mention. The ‘Egyptian Expeditionary Forces (EEF)’, which mostly consisted of British troops, launched an attack on the south of Palestine. Unfortunately, their opponents, an army of 17000 Turks, resisted the advance of the ‘Egyptian Expeditionary Forces’.



‘Spanish Civil War’ – Final Offensive

For a period of five days, starting from March 26, the world saw the onset of the ‘final offensive’ episode of the Spanish Civil War. The nationalist military troops of Spain had the upper hand during this battle and a whopping 150,000 Republican soldiers fell prey to their antics during the war.



First Female Prisoners Arrive At Auschwitz

The dreaded Auschwitz camp was a confinement for only male prisoners, until March 26, 1942, when the first set of female convicts arrived. These women, around 1000 in number, were transported from Slovakia to Auschwitz. All of them belonged to the age group of 16 to 30.



Conflict In Iwo Jima Ends

The ugly clash between the military troops of the United States and Japan ended on March 26, 1945, after the U.S successfully invaded the Japanese territory of Iwo Jima.



Independence Of East Pakistan

Currently known as Bangladesh, the Muslim-dominated East Pakistan was officially declared an independent state on March 26, 1971. The declaration put an end to a 15 year freedom struggle.



Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony

The yesteryear ‘Vietnam War’ is a reason of sorrow, not only for the inhabitants of the South East Asian country, but also the families of soldiers who lost their beloved men. On March 26th, 1982, the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of this memorial was held and now it is one of the most famous landmarks of the US.



The Thrilling Ice Hockey Clash Between ‘Vancouver Millionaires’ And ‘Ottawa Senators’

The nail-biting final of the ‘Stanley Cup’, between ‘Ottawa Senators’ and ‘Vancouver Millionaires’, concluded on March 26, 1915. ‘Vancouver Millionaires’ emerged victorious at the end of this thrilling battle.



L.A Lakers Break An ‘NBA’ Record

All you basketball fans will definitely remember this thriller of a sporting event which occurred on March 26, 1972. ‘L.A Lakers’ crushed ‘Seattle’ by a significant margin of 124-98 on this date and the record was broken only 24 years later.


Literature & Entertainment

Translation Of ‘Aesop’s Fables’

If not for renowned English writer William Caxton, most people in the world would have never got to experience the enchanting ‘Aesop’s Fables’. Touted as one of the greatest Britons ever, this eminent man printed his translated version of the famous literary work on March 26, 1484.


Literature & Entertainment

The Start Of The First British Sunday Newspapers

Great Britain started a new trend in journalism on March 26, 1780 and soon after several nations followed suit. The ‘British Gazette and Sunday Monitor’ was launched on this date and came to be known as England’s first Sunday newspaper.


Literature & Entertainment

Printing Of ‘Book Of Mormon’

March 26 was also the day the sacred text ‘Book of Mormon’ was published. This book is a compilation of various pieces of text written by renowned prophets belonging to the United States of America.


Literature & Entertainment

Premiere Of ‘Cannon’ On ‘CBS’

Those who grew up in the 1970’s will definitely remember the hit television series ‘Cannon’, which gained a lot of popularity across America. The show was aired on the channel ‘CBS’ on March 26, 1971.



The Renowned ‘Utrecht University’ Opens

Considered to be one among the largest and oldest educational institutions in Europe, the ‘Utrecht University’ was opened to public on March 26, 1636. As per a survey conducted recently, around 31,000 students were enrolled and 485 doctorate honors were given during 2011-12.



‘Swissair’ Was Founded

Those who travel quite frequently must be aware of ‘Swissair’, which is the national airline of Switzerland. This national symbol, which is also fondly referred to as the ‘flying bank’ came into existence on 26 March 1931.



Introduction Of The ‘Driving Test’

Most people would have second thoughts about hitting the roads without a driving license these days and one is supposed to clear the driving test to gain access to this document. Do you know when this rule was enforced in the United Kingdom? The idea of a driving test was introduced on March 26, 1934.



Statue Of Popeye

Something unusual occurred in the Crystal City Texas on March 26, 1937. Peasants involved in the cultivation of Spinach installed a statue of the iconic cartoon character ‘Popeye’, leaving the fictitious beefy guy’s fans delighted.



Introduction Of Polio Vaccine

A path-breaking invention by a medic named Dr. Jonas Salk, was announced on March 26, 1953, which was a huge sigh of relief for many across the world. On a radio show, Salk told the public that he had found a vaccine that can cure the dreaded Polio epidemic.



U.S Army Launch Of ‘Explorer 3’

The ‘Explorer 3’, an invention of the ‘Army Ballistic Missile Agency’, a defense concern of the United States was launched on March 26, 1958. The venue of this important event was the ‘Cape Canaveral Air Force Station’, located in Florida.



Central Park’s First ‘Be-in’ Event

A significant day in the history of the iconic ‘Central Park’, located in New York, was the ‘Be-In’ event of March 26, 1967. Approximately 10,000 people had gathered at this famous landmark on the day and several such events were held later on. The purpose of ‘Be-ins’ were to raise voice against issues like racism.



Women Allowed In ‘London Stock Exchange’

March 26 is an unforgettable day for many Londoners, especially due to what happened at the ‘London Stock Exchange’ on this date in 1973. Six female stockbrokers were given access for the first time to the floors of the financial institution, which was otherwise occupied only by men.



The Enforcement Of The ‘Biological Weapons Convention’

The ‘Biological Weapons Convention’ was an agreement which was signed to ensure that the use of a certain category of weapons should be shunned. Around 22 nations agreed to give a positive nod to this treaty and on March 26, 1975, the guidelines of this document were enforced.



Destruction Of Property In ‘Narita International Airport’

Located at a distance of around 60 kilometers away from central Tokyo, the ‘Narita International Airport’ is one of the biggest air travel hubs in Japan. This airport, which caters to 50% of the nation’s passenger traffic, was opened on 26th March, 1978.



Murder Of ‘Frog Boys’

This case easily belongs to the category of the ‘creepiest murder mysteries’ of all times. On 26 March 1991, a group of boys, who are now remembered as ‘The Frog Boys’, apparently went to hunt frogs and never returned. Their skeletal remains were recovered after a period of eleven years, but the exact cause of their death remains a subject of debate till date.



Mike Tyson Convicted For Rape

The legendary boxer Mike Tyson has probably grabbed more attention for his controversial actions than his prowess in the boxing ring. On 26 March, 1992, the famous sportsman was sentenced to imprisonment for raping a woman who was a contestant of the ‘Miss Black America’ contest.



Heaven’s Gate Mass Suicides

A cult named ‘Heaven’s Gate’, founded by a man named Marshall Applewhite and his confidante Bonnie Nettles ended in a horrific manner on March 26, 1937. The police forces were in for a rude shock when they recovered the carcasses of 39 members of this group at San Diego, California in the U.S. Apparently, all these individuals had committed suicide.



Oued Bouiacha Massacre

On March 26, 1998, Algeria witnessed one of its bloodiest massacres, which occurred 150 miles south of Algiers, the capital of this African nation. This tragedy, which led to the massacre of 52 individuals, including 32 children, is none other than the infamous ‘Oued Bouiacha Massacre’.



‘Melissa Worm’ Virus Creates A Ruckus

20% of the computer systems all over the globe were severely affected on March 26, 1999, due to the ‘Melissa Worm’ virus. The mastermind behind this attack was David L. Smith, who later served a jail sentence for his act.



Conviction Of Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Euthanasia is still a subject of debated and this is the reason why well-known physician Dr. Jack Kevorkian ended up behind bars. The physician apparently helped many of his patients suffering from life threatening diseases end their lives. On March 26, 1999, Kevorkian was convicted for a period of eight years for these acts.



Russian Col.Yuri Budanov’s Heinous Act

While a few sources claim this incident occurred on 26th March, a few others say that it happened during the wee hours of 27th March, past 12 AM. However, the horrific crime committed by Col. Yuri Budanov does deserve a mention. The army officer had abducted a teenager from Chechnya named Elza Kungayeva on the pretext of interrogation, but later raped and murdered the young Elza. Budanov was imprisoned for the gruesome act and was eventually assassinated.



Pope John Paul II Prays In Israel

Religious leader Pope John Paul II’s visit to the middle-east Asian country Israel in 2000 was the first of its kind for a pontiff from Vatican. The Pope made it a point to spend some time at the Yad Vashem, a memorial in Israel built in the memory of the many Jewish individuals who lost their lives in the dreaded holocaust.



Acquisition Of Jaguar By Tata Motors

The automobile giant ‘Jaguar’ is known for producing some of the swankiest cars in the world. The India-based multi-billion dollar firm ‘Tata Motors’ created history in 2008 due to its acquisition of the ‘Jaguar Land Rover’, a British car manufacturer which had introduced exotic vehicles like ‘Land Rover’ and ‘Jaguar’ in the past.

People Born This Day

Robert Frost
American Poet Who was Known for His Realistic Depictions of Rural Life [ American ]
Diana Ross
Lead Singer of 'the Supremes', the Best-Charting Female Group in History [ American ]
Joseph Campbell
American Writer Best Known for His Book ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’ [ American ]
Keira Knightley
English Actress Known for Her Work in Independent Films and Period Dramas [ British ]
Kenny Chesney
Country Musician Who has Received Twelve 'Country Music Association Awards' & Eleven 'Academy of Country Music Awards' [ American ]
Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine and Palestinian National Authority [ Palestinian ]
Martin Short
Canadian-American Actor, Comedian and Singer [ Canadian ]
Richard Dawkins
British Evolutionary Biologist Who Contends that a Supernatural Creator Almost Certainly Does Not Exist [ British ]
Steven Tyler
Lead Singer of the Rock Band 'Aerosmith' [ American ]
Tennessee Williams
One of the Finest American Playwrights of the 20th-Century Best Known for His Work ‘The Glass Menagerie’ [ American ]
William Childs Westmoreland
Military Leader [ American ]
A. E. Housman
Poet [ British ]
Larry Page
Co-founder of Google [ American ]
Alan Arkin
Actor, Director & Screenwriter [ American ]
Leonard Nimoy
Known for Playing 'Spock' in The 'Star Trek' Franchise [ American ]
Nancy Pelosi
Only Woman in U.S. History to Serve as Speaker of the House [ American ]
Martin McDonagh
Playwright, Screenwriter, Filmmaker [ Irish ]
Shirin Neshat
Artist, Activist [ Iranian ]
Syngman Rhee
Statesman [ South Korean ]
Clive Palmer
Australian Politician [ Australian ]
Leslie Mann
Actress [ American ]
Jennifer Grey
American Actress Known for Her Film ‘Dirty Dancing’ [ American ]
Sir Bernard Katz
Biophysicist [ British ]
Christian Anfinsen
Biochemist [ American ]
Ella Anderson
Actress [ American ]
Viktor Frankl
Psychiatrist [ Austrian ]
Mahadevi Varma
Indian Writer, Activist, and Leading Poet of the 'Chhayavad' Movement in Hindi [ Indian ]
Von Miller
American Football Outside Linebacker [ American ]
Nina Agdal
Danish Model [ Danish ]
Guccio Gucci
Italian Businessman [ Italian ]
Curtis Sliwa
Founder of the 'Guardian Angels' [ American ]
James Caan
Best Known for His Role as ‘Sonny Corleone’ in the Film ‘The Godfather’ [ American ]
Sam Pepper
YouTube Personality [ British ]
Bianca Kajlich
Actress [ American ]
Sandra Day O’Connor
The First Female Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States [ American ]
Paige VanZant
Mixed Martial Artist, Bare Knuckle Boxer and Professional Wrestler [ American ]
Actors [ South Korean ]
Amy Smart
Actress [ American ]
Paul Erdős
Mathematician [ Hungarian ]
Mel Ignatow
Murderer [ American ]
Kathryn Bernardo
Actress [ Filipino ]
Eric Allan Kramer
Actor [ Canadian ]
Dillon Rupp
American Music Artist, DJ and Social Media Influencer [ American ]
Jonathan Groff
American Film and Stage Actor & Singer [ American ]
Louise Thompson
Television Personality [ British ]
Danielle Bregoli
Rapper [ American ]
Julia Chow
YouTube Star [ American ]
Jeff Magid
Ex-Boyfriend of Emily Ratajkowski [ American ]
Johnny Crawford
Actor and Singer Known for His Role as ‘Mark McCain’ in the TV Series ‘The Rifleman’ [ American ]
Natasha Leggero
Actress & Comedian Known for Her Work in the MTV Series 'The 70s House' and 'Chelsea Lately' Talk Show [ American ]
Strother Martin
Actor [ American ]
Vicki Lawrence
Best Known for Her Character Mama 'Thelma Harper' in TV series 'The Carol Burnett Show' [ American ]
Gavin Magnus
YouTube Star [ American ]
Sterling Hayden
Actor, Author, Sailor and an Office of Strategic Services' Agent During World War II [ American ]
Rudolf Dassler
Founder of the Sportswear Company 'Puma' [ German ]
Floriana Lima
American Actress Known for Her Role as ‘Maggie Sawyer’ on the TV Series ‘Supergirl’ [ American ]
Elaine Chao
18th United States Secretary of Transportation (2017 - 2021) [ American ]
TikTok Star [ American ]
TikTok Star [ American ]
Paige Taylor
American TikToker [ American ]
Sarahli Hadjih
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Jordyn Kalbfleisch
Canadian Instagrammer [ Canadian ]
Julie Schwieters
American TikToker [ American ]
Elijah Quashie
British YouTuber [ British ]
British TikToker [ British ]
Josh Manifold
British Twitch Streamer [ British ]
Kate Bartlett
American TikToker [ American ]
German TikToker [ German ]
Elena Stavinoha
American TikToker [ American ]
Haven Presley
American TikToker [ American ]
Noah Rolette
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]

People Died This Day

Walt Whitman
One of the Most Influential Poets in the American Canon, Regarded as the 'Father of Free Verse' [ American ]
Ludwig van Beethoven
One of the Most Admired Composers and Pianists in the History of Western Music [ German ]
Cecil John Rhodes
Former Prime Minister of the Cape Colony [ British ]
David Lloyd George
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer [ British ]
Sir Noël Peirce Coward
English Playwright, Composer and Actor Best Known for His Wit and Flamboyance [ British ]
Raymond Chandler
Novelist and Screenwriter [ British ]
Lin Yutang
One of the Most Well-Known Twentieth-Century Chinese Writers [ Chinese ]
Sarah Bernhardt
One of the Most Popular French Actresses of the Late 19th and Early 20th Century [ French ]
James Callaghan
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1976 to 1979 [ British ]
Anthony Blunt
Art Historian, University Teacher [ British ]
John Winthrop
Politician, Theologian [ British ]
Rapper Known as the 'Godfather of Gangsta Rap' [ American ]
Tomas Tranströmer
Swedish Poet, Psychologist ,Translator and Winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature [ Swedish ]
Tadamichi Kuribayashi
General [ Japanese ]
Edmund S. Muskie
United States Secretary of State [ American ]
Geraldine Ferraro
Politician [ American ]
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