9th June In History

June 9 is a day of great importance for animation lovers since the famous character Donald Duck was born and the blockbuster movie ‘Cars’ was released on this date. The political scenario though was quite turbulent with agreements, regime changes, coups and rebellions. The Stamboliyski Government in Bulgaria collapsed due to a coup and the rebels took over a vital Syrian military base. The largest cavalry battle too was fought on this day. Several World War II events took place on this day, the most gruesome being the torture and hanging of 99 residents of Tulle town in France, by the Nazi German military. A few path-breaking developments of this day include the launch of a ballistic-missile firing submarine and the first ascent of the Broad Peak. Another major event to have taken place on this day was the hand-cart trek of the Mormons, which is considered to be a fantastic example of human vigor. 9th June was also a day that promoted equality and broke several social taboos. A man accused of a raping a male in the U.K was punished and a famous shrine decided to grant priesthood to all males, irrespective of race and color.


411 BC


Oligarchs Take Over The City Of Athens

The oligarchic extremists overthrew the democratic government in Athens on June 9, 411 BC. This was done to gain more control over the war being fought between Sparta and its allies. The oligarchs included Antiphon, Theramenes, Peisander and Phrynichus.



Abu Muslim Revolts Against Umayyad Rule

It was on 9th June, 747, that Abu Muslim Al-Khorasani, popularly known as Abu Muslim, openly declared a revolt against the Umayyad rule by hoisting a black flag called ‘The Shadow’. Muslim, who headed a revolutionary movement in Khorāsān, was instrumental in bringing about the Abbasid rule. Muslim’s army marched into Syria and Iraq with the black flag and defeated Marwan II, the last Umayyad caliph.



Oglethorpe Gets Royal Charter For Colony Formation

James Edward Oglethorpe, an English army officer and philanthropist, was given the royal charter for the formation of his colony in America on June 9, 1732. Oglethorpe’s colony was among the last of its kind to be set up in America. The settlement later went on to become a royal colony and finally came to be known as the big agricultural state of Georgia.



Congress Of Vienna Assembly Ends

On June 9th, the Congress of Vienna assembly concluded, which led to the reorganization of Europe. The purpose of the Congress of Vienna was to build the regions acquired from France. The reorganization ended later that month, much after the Napoleonic wars ceased.



U.S President Proposes Extradition Treaty With Japan

A proposal regarding the extradition of Japanese nationals, who had committed crimes in the U.S.A, was put before the Senate by American President Grover Cleveland in 1886. The need for such legislation arose after a Japanese national, accused in a forgery case in San Francisco, fled to Japan to avoid being tried.



William Jennings Bryan Quits As The U.S Secretary Of State

On June 9, William Jennings Bryan, a three-time U.S Democratic presidential candidate, stepped down from the designation of the Secretary of State, during the tenure of American president Woodrow Wilson. Bryan took the step because he was unsatisfied with the way Wilson dealt with the turbulent situation, created after the English cruiser Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine. About 128 US citizens had died in the horrific incident.



Coup Topples Stamboliyski Government In Bulgaria

The Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Aleksandŭr Stamboliyski, was deposed in a military coup on June 9th, 1923. The Bulgarian army was unhappy over Stamboliyski’s indifference towards its concerns. Stamboliyski’s policies like the ‘Treaty of Neuily’ that reduced Bulgaria’s area, the formation of a ‘Green International’ for peasants, that did not yield the desired results and several other policies, reduced his stature. Apart from this, his plan to form a South Slav federation and his support to the militia did not go down well with the army. The army caught Stamboliyski near his village and executed him.



Margaret Thatcher Begins Her Second Term As Prime Minister

Margaret Thatcher, the first woman Prime Minister of the U.K, swept the general elections in Britain for the second time on June 9. Thatcher’s ‘Conservative Party’ won 397 seats, resulting in a thumping victory. She said a cabinet reshuffle was the first on her list and that she would look into the previous bills, which were not passed before the election.



Rebels Claim Control Of Syrian Base Brigade 52

The Southern Front, an amalgamation of several rebel outfits, claimed to have captured an army base from the Syrian army. The base, called as the Brigade 52, is one of the largest Syrian army bases in Daraa province and lies near the Harak town in Syria. The loss of the base was a setback for President Bashar al-Assad because it was used to support airbases. It also increased pressure on Assad to check the advance of the rebels.



The Battle Of Tolouse Begins

The union of Aquitainians and the Franks Army, which was headed by the Duke of Aquitaine, Odo, fought against the Moors on 9th June, 721. This event is popularly known as ‘The Battle of Tolouse’. The Moors were Muslim residents of the Maghreb in Sicily and Malta. Odo won the battle against the Muslim army, led by governor general of al-Andalus, al Samah ibn Malik al Khawlani. Odo’s men critically injured al-Samah and annihilated his army, consisting of 375,000 Arabs. This is believed to be one of the worst losses in Muslim history.



Dutch Army’s Raids On Medway River Begin

The invasion of the Medway River stretch in England by the Dutch troops began on June 9 and lasted till June 14, 1667. The raid was carried out under the leadership of Lieutenant Admiral Michiel de Ruyter. This attack was a part of the Second Anglo-Dutch War, which was fought because of a trade conflict between England and the Dutch Republic. Most of the English fleet was ruined in the attack and it led to a quick end to the ongoing war. The united Provinces could maintain balance of power with England because of the success in the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars achieved under Ruyter’s leadership.



‘Battle Of Port Republic’ Was Fought

During the American Civil War, Confederate General Thomas ‘Stonewall’ Jackson fought 5 battles, one of them being the war of Port Republic in Rockingham County, Virginia, on June 9, 1862. The victory at Port Republic proved Jackson’s mettle and posed a serious threat to the Union forces.



Union And Confederates Indulge In A Cavalry Battle

The largest cavalry battle of the American Civil War was fought at Brandy Station. On June 9th, Union cavalry and infantry, under the leadership of General Alfred Pleasonton attacked the Cavalry of commander for the Confederate States of America, General J.E.B. Stuart at Brandy Station, Virginia. Heavy fog over the Rappahannock River helped General Pleasonton’s troops to plan a surprise attack. Despite the favorable weather condition, Pleasonton and his men were unable to defeat Stuart’s Confederate troops.



China And France Sign The Treaty Of Tientsin

On 9th June 1885, China and France signed the ‘Treaty of Tientsin’ to end the tension between the two nations. The outcome was that China had to let go of the Tonkin region in Vietnam, which was the cause of the conflict. France was not ready to share North Vietnam with China. Hence, it engaged China into a war over the region, and this came to be known as the Tonkin War. When the French won in Tonkin and Taiwan, China was compelled to sign the treaty.



German Troops Hang 99 French Civilians During WW II

A Nazi German military division tortured and hanged 99 residents of Tulle town in France on June 8, during World War II. The deceased men’s bodies were hanged on lampposts, trees and balconies all over the town. The killing of 40 German soldiers by the Maquis, a French group, which worked alongside the Allies against the German forces, irked the Nazis, leading to the mass murder.



USSR Invades Finland

The Soviet army invaded the East Karelia region of Finland on 9th June, 1944 during World War II to retain control over the area which had been ceded to it by Finland earlier. The 1940 Treaty of Moscow pressurized Finland to give away Karelian Isthmus and some of its southeastern regions to the Russians. Finland was averse to Russians encroaching more of its territory. Hence, it pitted Germany against USSR by allowing the German army to move into the east of its country. After Germany took on the Soviets, Finland was able to take possession of many areas that it had lost to Russia by means of its War of Continuation.



First Ballistic-Missile Submarine Launched

The USS ‘George Washington’, known as the world’s first nuclear-powered missile submarine, was unveiled on June 9th. The submarine was launched from Groton city in New London County, Connecticut, USA. The vessel’s missile capability was deducted in the 1980s and it was turned into an attack submarine and then decommissioned after a few years.



‘CIA’ Report Dismisses Communist Threat

On 9th June, 1964, the United States’ ‘Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’, in its report, dismissed the possibility that all South Asian nations will accept communist regimes if North Vietnam takes over Laos and South Vietnam. This was the reply given by the ‘CIA’ to then President Lyndon B. Johnson’s question regarding the chances of a ‘Domino Effect’ if North Vietnam takes over Laos and South Vietnam. The Domino Theory says that if one piece (like a nation) falls, all other pieces begin to fall one by one in a chain reaction. At the end of this infamous war, none of the South East Asian nations became communists.



Viet Cong Attacks US Special Forces Camp

Vietnamese guerrilla force, Viet Cong, attacked a camp of the ‘5th Special Forces Group of America’ at Đồng Xoài, a district capital in Southeast Vietnam, on June 9, 1965. The U.S military pounded the Viet Cong but they were able to inflict heavy casualties. South Vietnam lost 800 persons while 900 others were injured. The U.S army suffered the loss of 7 persons along with12 missing and 15 injured. The Viet Cong also used many AK-47s for the first time.



Israeli Forces Attack Syria

The Golan Heights region in Syria was attacked by the Israeli army on this day.The rocky plateau was conquered by the Israelis and they entered Kuneitra when the Six-Day War was about to end. Israel wanted to capture Golan Heights because a number of shells had been fired into its territory by Syria and the strategic location of the Heights made it easier for the forces to monitor Syria. Syria fought with Israel during the middle -east war of 1973 to regain the Golan Heights but failed. In 1974, both countries opted for a truce and a UN observer force was deployed on the ceasefire line.



USSR And Portugal Build Foreign Relations

Portugal and Soviet Union agreed to form diplomatic ties on June 9, 1974 for the first time after the Bolshevik Revolution. The bilateral relations involved exchange of diplomats as well.



NATO, Yugoslavia Agree To Withdraw Troops From Kosovo

An agreement regarding the withdrawal of Serbian troops from Kosovo was signed between the generals of ‘NATO’ (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and Yugoslavia at the Yugoslav-Macedonian border. In keeping with the agreement, Yugoslavia had agreed to the withdrawal of troops in a phased and verifiable manner. This arrangement would let peacekeeping forces to enter Kosovo and solve security issues. NATO said it would stop bombarding Yugoslavia, once the withdrawal was initiated.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Deadly Tornado Hits Worcester In America

On 9th June, 1953, Worcester city in Massachusetts experienced the worst tornado in the history of New England, U.S.A. In all, about 62 lives were lost, more than 1200 were hurt and 4000 buildings were damaged. A majority of people get injured and killed in a tornado because of being hit by debris that flies around.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

South Dakota Faces Nature’s Fury

Torrential rainfall caused flash floods that killed over 200 people in Rapid City, located in the American state of South Dakota. Rapid City, which is close to the Rapid Creek River, revealed the consequences of inhabiting a floodplain region. The debris caused the breakdown of the Pactola Dam, which inundated the nearby areas. Citizens who were uninsured, had to bear a total loss of $160 million because of the damage caused. After this disaster, it was decided that floodplain regions would not be inhabited.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Ghost Train Fire Claims 7 Lives

The Ghost Train at Luna Park in Sydney, Australia, caught fire and claimed 7 lives on June 9th. The blaze on the amusement train was caused because of an electrical fault. One of the victims was six-year-old Damien who got himself photographed while posing with a strange looking, masked person; moments before the tragedy. The picture became deeply associated with the incident.



Austrian Mountaineers Conquer Broad Peak

The first ascent of Broad Peak, a region in the Karakoram ranges, by Austrian mountaineers Fritz Wintersteller, Marcus Schmuck, Kurt Diemberger, and Hermann Buhl, took place on June 9. Broad Peak or Faichan Kangri gets its name because of its breadth at the peak. It is situated in Pakistan and is the 12th highest summit in the world. Sadly, Hermann Buhl, considered among the top most European mountaineers, died shortly after the expedition.



Jazy Sets New One Mile World Record

Michel Jazy broke the mile run record by finishing the race in 3 minutes, 53.6 seconds on June 9th. Jazy, who belonged to France, beat the world record set by Peter Snell, a New Zealand middle distance runner, in 1964 by 0.5 seconds. Jazy also has to his credit the two miles world record of 8 minutes, 22.6 seconds.



Soccer World Cup Begins In Germany

The 2006 Soccer world cup’s opening ceremony was held in Munich, Germany on June 9. The tournament was held between 9th June and 9th July and the opening match was played between Germany and Costa Rica. Italy won in the final contest of the world cup.


Literature & Entertainment

‘The Maestà’ Painting Is Unveiled

One of Italy’s finest painters, Duccio di Buoninsegna’s work, ‘The Maestà’ (The Altarpiece of the Siena Cathedral) was unveiled in 1311. People witnessed the artwork on the streets of Siena city, Italy, while it was being transported to the high altar of the Cathedral, where the picture was to be installed. It is considered to be one of the greatest works of fine art.


Literature & Entertainment

Donald Duck Makes His Maiden Appearance

American entrepreneur and animator Walt Disney created the cartoon character Donald Duck on 9th June, 1934. Duck was introduced in Disney’s short film series ‘The Wise Little Hen’. Donald Duck got his famous voice from an artist named Clarence Nash and has a twin sister called as Dumbella, girlfriend Daisy Duck and nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. The Donald Duck starrer short movie ‘Der Feuhrer’s Face’ bagged the prestigious Oscar in 1943.


Literature & Entertainment

‘The Doodles Weaver Show’ Goes On Air

The famous television channel ‘NBC’, aired ‘The Doodles Weaver Show’ for the first time on 9th June 1951. Comedian Winstead Sheffield Glenndenning Dixon Weaver essayed the role of Doodles Weaver in this series which was aired for 3 months. With this series, Weaver introduced improvisational television comedy.


Literature & Entertainment

Animated Flick ‘Cars’ Hits Theatres In The U.S

The animated blockbuster ‘Cars’ was released across the U.S on June 9, 2006. As the title suggests, racing cars were the characters of this acclaimed flick, produced by ‘Pixar animation Studios’. The animated film won the first Academy Award in the Best Animated Feature category.



Roman Emperor Nero Commits Suicide

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, the fifth Roman emperor, committed suicide on 9th June, 68. Nero, one of the most widely disliked emperors was highly criticized for pampering himself and indulging in corruption while Rome suffered due to the great fire. Nero was the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian line and was succeeded by General Galba, who planned a rebellion against him.



The Discovery Of The St. Lawrence River

On June 9, 1534, the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada was discovered by Jacques Cartier. Cartier was a French navigator, who became the first Europen explorer to find the river.



British Schooner ‘HMS Gaspee’ Burnt By Colonists

The American colonists set the armed British customs ship ‘HMS Gaspee’ afire after grounding it off the coast of Rhode Island. The colonists detested the ship’s arrival because it was being sent by the British to enforce maritime trade laws and prohibit smuggling.



‘Philadelphia Spelling Book’ Gets The First Copyright

On June 9th, the ‘Philadelphia Spelling Book’, a book penned by John Barry, became the first American literary work to get a copyright, after it was registered in the U.S. District Court of Pennsylvania. Barry began his career as a naval captain and belonged to an Irish tenant farming family, which immigrated to Philadelphia.



Mormons Trek To Salt Lake City

The immigrants from England and Wales in the U.S, known as the Mormons, began a trek to the Salt Lake City, the capital of Utah State on June 9. These individuals stacked all their belongings and food stock in two-wheeled handcarts because they couldn’t afford any other means of transportation and marched towards Salt Lake City from Iowa City. This trek by the Mormons (believers of the religion founded by Joseph Smith, Jr) is still considered to be one of the most tiring journeys of all time.



Alexandra Palace Catches Fire

On June 9, the dome of the Alexandra Palace, situated at the Muswell Hill in London caught fire, which eventually spread to the other parts of the dwelling. Due to the devastating fire, the palace had to be closed down just 16 days since its opening. The building was named after the former Princess of Wales and served as a recreational place for the Victorians and the general public.



Smith, Others Complete First Trans-Pacific Flight

Australian pilot Charles Kingsford Smith along with Captain Charles Ulm, Harry Lyon, a navigator and radio-operator James Warner, finished the first trans-Pacific flight from Oakland, California to Brisbane, Australia, on this day. The journey was completed in 9 days in a Fokker Trimotor monoplane, also known as the Southern Cross. This aircraft was made up of fiber and timber.



Thailand's King Mahidol Is Shot Dead

Thailand's young King Ananda Mahidol was shot dead on 9th June, 1946. Mahidol was only 20 years old when he was found dead at the Grand Palace, located in Bangkok. His death was one of the biggest mysteries of the 20th century. Mahidol’s younger brother Bhumibol Adulyadej ascended the throne after his demise. Adulyadej is Thailand’s longest serving king and is also considered one of the oldest governing monarchs in the world.



‘The International Council On Archives’ Is Formed

‘The International Council on Archives’ was founded on 9 June, 1948 with the assistance of The ‘United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’. The main objective of this body is to preserve archival material like photographs, films, historical data, ancient texts and paper documents etc. Paris, the capital of France, hosted the first ‘International Congress of Archivists’ in 1950. To observe the organization’s foundation day, June 9th is celebrated as ‘International Archives Day’ every year.



Grey Chosen As First Woman Treasurer Of America

Georgia Neese Clark Grey, a banker from a small Kansas town, became the first woman treasurer of U.S.A. on this date. Grey was the 29th treasurer of the country and was chosen by the then President Harry S. Truman in 1949.



Johnson Declares ‘National Mourning Day’

After the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, the then U.S President Lyndon B. Johnson, declared June 9th as a day of national mourning. The political leader also provided security cover to all those candidates who were contesting for the role of the nation’s president. This happened after the Congress changed the U.S Secret Service rules to allow Secret Service cover to presidential candidates as well.



Indian Freedom Fighter Birsa Munda Dies

Indian freedom fighter and tribal leader Birsa Mund, died at the age of 25 on 9th June 1900 in Ranchi’s Central Jail. Munda opposed the British government’s feudal system and worked for the land rights of the tribal people. Birsa started a movement called ‘Ulgulan’, also known as ‘The Great Tumult’, in the Chota Nagpur forest region of Bihar.



House Of Commons Goes Live On Radio

The proceedings from the ‘House of Commons’ was aired for the first time through the ‘British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)’ radio and commercial stations on June 9th. The BBC’s political editor David Holmes along with Edmund Boyle from ‘Independent Radio News’ were the commentators during this historic broadcast.



Church Of Jesus Christ Allows Priesthood To Blacks

The head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Spencer Kimball, on June 9, 1978, declared that priesthood would be granted to all males, irrespective of race and color. This was done with the view that the Civil Rights movement was expanding and blacks were being given equal rights in the American society.



U.S Citizen Kidnapped By Lebanese Terrorists

On June 9th, 1985, U.S citizen Thomas M. Sutherland was held hostage by terrorists in Beirut, Lebanon. Sutherland, then 53 years old, was on his way to the ‘American University of Beirut’ from the Beirut airport, when he was abducted. The man was working as the dean of agriculture at the university. He was released on 25th November, 1991.



Man Gets Life Term For Trying To Rape Another Man

For the first time in the history of Britain, a man named Andrew Richards was convicted for attempting to rape another man on June 9th, 1995. Richards, 26, was sentenced to life imprisonment as per the ‘Criminal Justice Act’. It is believed that Richards had indulged in sex offences earlier too.



Two Bomb Blasts Kill 12 In Algiers

On June 9, 2008 two bomb blasts killed about 12 people at a railway station located east of Algiers- the capital and main seaport of Algeria. The dead included one French engineer, eight soldiers, and two firemen among others. The bombs exploded within a short span of each other in the Beni Amrane town.



Militants Attack Hotel In Pakistan

The ‘Pearl Continental Hotel’ in Peshawar, Pakistan, was attacked by militants on June 9th. A United Nations worker was among the several people who died in the incident. The militants used guns and truck bombs to attack the hotel, which is popular among foreigners.

People Born This Day

Michael Ancher
Former realist artist [ Danish ]
Johnny Depp
Actor and Producer Best Known for His Role in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' Film Series [ American ]
Natalie Portman
American Actress Known for Her Films: 'Closer', 'Black Swan' and as 'Jane Foster' in 'Thor' Movies [ American ]
Aaron Sorkin
Playwright [ American ]
Cole Porter
Composer, Songwriter [ American ]
Jackie Mason
American comedian [ American ]
Charles Saatchi
Businessman [ Iraqi ]
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Mayor of Aldeburgh [ British ]
Peter the Great
First Emperor of Russia [ Russian ]
George Stephenson
Father of Railways [ British ]
Bertha von Suttner
Austrian-Bohemian Pacifist, Novelist and the First Woman to be Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize [ Austrian ]
Miroslav Klose
German Former Football Player Who Played as a Striker [ German ]
Henry Hallett Dale
English Physiologist, Pharmacologist and 1936 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine [ British ]
Instagram Star [ American ]
Robert McNamara
Former United States Secretary of Defense [ American ]
Les Paul
Jazz Guitarist: One of the Pioneers of the Solid-body Electric Guitar [ American ]
Matthew Bellamy
Musician [ British ]
Tanya Burr
YouTube Personality [ British ]
Benny Gantz
Alternate Prime Minister of Israel [ Israeli ]
Michael J. Fox
Retired Actor, Activist & Philanthropist [ American ]
Fine Brothers
Founder of FBE & Creators and media entrepreneurs. React Media produces the React video series. [ American ]
YouTube Star [ American ]
Anoushka Shankar
Internationally Acclaimed Sitar Player, Composer and Daughter of Indian Sitar Maestro Ravi Shankar [ Indian ]
Aidan Turner
Irish Actor Best Known for His Role as ‘Dante Gabriel Rossetti’ in the TV Series ‘Desperate Romantics’ [ Irish ]
Gloria Reuben
Actress and Singer Known for Her Role as ‘Jeanie Boulet’ on the TV Series ‘ER’ [ Canadian ]
Annamarie Tendler
Writer, Makeup Artist [ American ]
Tim Loden
American Actor Married to an Australian Actress, Yvonne Strahovski [ American ]
Zac Vran
Canadian Dancer and Actor [ Canadian ]
Anna Cunningham
TikTok Star [ American ]
Xavier Serrano
Model, Actor [ Spanish ]
Georgia Holt
Singer, Actress and Model [ American ]
Michaela Conlin
American Actress Best Known for Her Role as ‘Angela Montenegro’ in the TV Series ‘Bones’ [ American ]
Jacob Batalon
American Actor Known for His Role as ‘Ned Leeds’ in the MCU ‘Spider-Man’ Film Series [ American ]
Mae Whitman
Actress [ American ]
Xolo Maridueña
Best Known for His Role as ‘Miguel Diaz’ in the TV Series ‘Cobra Kai’ [ American ]
Santiago Castillo
Venezuelan TikTok Star [ Venezuelan ]
Ashley Elliott
TikTok Star Who Posts Military Content [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
American Instagrammer [ American ]
American Vine Star [ American ]
Eythan Hervey
American TikToker [ American ]
Gege Jing
American TikToker [ American ]
Steve Zaragoza
American YouTuber [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Ko Yan
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Keaton Speirs
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Sara K
American YouTuber [ American ]
Alexandra Cane
British Instagrammer [ British ]
Roly May
British TikToker [ British ]
Sariah Greer
British YouTuber [ British ]
Lidia Mera
British TikToker [ British ]
Lily Burt
British YouTuber [ British ]
Sienna Greer
British YouTuber [ British ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Carly King
American TikToker [ American ]
Jaxen Wright
American TikToker [ American ]
Aisha Ruperto
American TikToker [ American ]
Benet Nicole
American TikToker [ American ]
Kahlen Barry
American YouTuber [ American ]
Vivian Shea
American YouTuber [ American ]
Scout Larson
American TikToker [ American ]
Marissa Da'Nae
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Queen Tofu
American YouTuber [ American ]
Renee Amberg
American YouTuber [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Robby Cole
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Britney Ta
American TikToker [ American ]
Aushen Ride
American TikToker [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
The Act Man
American YouTuber [ American ]
Jamie Ruiz
American YouTuber [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Zack Bia
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Jameliz Benitez Smith
American TikToker [ American ]
Clare Girnus
American TikToker [ American ]
Alexis Braun
American TikToker [ American ]
Matty Bianchi
American TikToker [ American ]

People Died This Day

Jan Tinbergen
Nobel Prize Winner in Economics [ Dutch ]
Adam West
American Actor Who Portrayed 'Batman' in Several Movies and Television Shows [ American ]
Charles Dickens
The Greatest Novelist of the Victorian Era [ British ]
Victoria Woodhull
The First Woman to Run for the American Presidency [ American ]
Alexis Smith
Actress and Singer Best Known for Her Films: ‘Gentleman Jim’ and ‘The Constant Nymph’ [ American ]
Edward de Bono
Author, Consultant [ British ]
William Carey
Missionary [ British ]
Birsa Munda
Tribal Leader Who Revolted Against the British Rule [ Indian ]
Miguel Ãngel Asturias
Winner of 1967 Nobel Prize in Literature [ Guatemalan ]
Roman Emperor [ Italian ]
M. F. Husain
One of the Most Celebrated and Internationally Recognized Indian Artists of the 20th Century [ Indian ]
Edith Cowan
Social Campaigner [ Australian ]
Robert Donat
Actor [ British ]
George Wells Beadle
Geneticist [ American ]
Jacob Lawrence
Painter [ American ]
Erich von Manstein
German Field Marshal During World War II [ German ]
George Mallory
British Mountaineer Who Took Part in the First Three British Expeditions to Mount Everest in the Early 1920s [ British ]
Rik Mayall
Comedian [ British ]
Allen Ludden
Game Show Host [ American ]
Irish Abbot and Missionary Evangelist [ Irish ]
Philippe I, Duke of Orléans
Son of Louis Xiii of France and His Wife Anne of Austria [ French ]
Freddie Jones
Actor [ British ]
June Newton
Actress [ Australian ]
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