10th June In History

According to a famous chartbuster composed by a popular band, ‘Everyday is exactly the same’, but do you really want to buy this idea. Well, each day is unique in its own way and has great historical significance which not many of us have a clue about. Several unforgettable events with varying magnitude happen on a regular basis, which go unnoticed. If we are to explore the depths of each day, we will realize what paramount importance each day has in our lives. One such day, is 10th June, on which numerous events occurred and it will really be difficult to believe that all these episodes took place on this day alone. Starting from several political developments to a number of gory wars the history books have a lot to tell about this fateful day. Some interesting achievements in sports to myriad advancements in entertainment, media and the music world have sparked revolutions across the globe. The dangerous act performed by Benjamin Franklin in 1752 while he flew a kite in the thunderstorm, is almost known to all happened the same day. Some of the most devastating and deadly natural calamities as well as man-made catastrophes also occurred on this day.




John Adams Puts Forth A Proposal To Congress

John Adams, former U.S President, recommended the appointment of George Washington as the commander in chief of the Continental Army to the Continental Congress (the governing body of 13 American colonies) in Philadelphia. It was believed, that this would really transform the army into a national force and that the government’s efforts in strengthening the nation’s military would be successful.



John .F. Kennedy’s Iconic Speech At ‘The American University’

John F Kennedy, former US president, announced in the commencement address at ‘The American University’, located in Washington D.C that the U.S may stop the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. The same day he even signed a bill to prohibit wage discrimination towards women.



U.S Ends Trade Embargo Of China

The United States announced its intention to end the US-China 21 year trade embargo on this day. Due to the relaxation of this restriction, U.S exporters were allowed the freedom to indulge in trade with China. This mainly involved sales of agricultural, industrial and office equipment, select chemicals, fertilizers, most farms, fish and forestry products.



‘ANC’ Makes A Public Statement From A Letter By Mandela

Nelson Mandela, the leader of the anti-apartheid movement wrote a letter during his imprisonment. The African National Congress publicly announced one of the statements of this letter penned by Mandela. The message said, ‘UNITE! MOBILISE! FIGHT ON! BETWEEN THE ANVIL OF UNITED MASS ACTION AND THE HAMMER OF THE ARMED STRUGGLE WE SHALL CRUSH APARTHEID!’



Muammar Gaddafi’s First Visit To Italy

Libyan political icon, Muammar Gaddafi made his first official visit to Italy from the time he was appointed the nation’s supreme leader. This was aimed at strengthening the relations between the two countries. Gaddafi was given a warm welcome by the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi at Rome’s airport.



Croatia Is Approved As A Member State Of EU

This day was a historic one for Croatia, for it was given a go-ahead to become a member of the ‘European Union’. At that time, it seemed like Croatia would officially become a part of the ‘European Union’ in 2013. Croatia eventually became the 28th member state of the EU.



‘Syrian National Council’ Chooses New Leader

Abdelbaset Sayda was chosen as the new President of the ‘Syrian National Council’ in a meeting held in Istanbul on this day. His predecessor Burhan Ghalioun stepped down from this esteemed designation several months before Sayda’s appointment.



‘NSA’ Prism Leak Source- Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden, 29, a former employee of the ‘CIA’ was found guilty of leaking information about NSA’s Prison Program to the U.K based news daily ‘The Guardian’.He had worked with the NSA for a period of four years. Edward wasn’t intimidated by the consequences of this leak as he thought this was a moral obligation.



Nathan Bedford Forest’s Troop Wins The Battle Of Brice’s Crossroads

On this day Battle of Brice’s Crossroads was fought and Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Confederate force, comprising of 2000 men defeated a relatively larger Union column which was led by Brigadier-General Samuel Sturgis. This bloody battle took place near Baldwyn in Mississippi.



Italy Wages War On France And Great Britain

The infamous Italian dictator Benito Mussolini declared a war on France and Great Britain on this fateful day. The leader felt the war was needed to expand his empire and capture British dominions in Africa. He also wanted to reclaim those territories which previously belonged to the Italians. There was an exchange of air raids between both the sides.



Germany Takes Control Of Norway

Two months after the country was invaded by the Nazis, Norway surrendered to Germany. The Germans used a new tactic called the ‘Blitzkreig’ (lightening war) during world war II and was eventually successful in defeating Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia and Greece.



Oradour-Sur-Glane Massacre

The village of Oradour-sur-Glane in France was destroyed by soldiers belonging to the Nazi military troop ‘Waffen-SS’. A total of 642 men, women and children were killed and severe destruction was caused to the entire village. There’s no apparent reason or universally accepted explanation behind this massacre.



Turbulence At Dong Xoai

The district capital of Dong Xoai, located in the Southeast region of Vietnam, was attacked by some 1500 members belonging to the political outfit ‘Viet Cong’. Few other ‘Viet Cong’ forces raided a U.S special force camp located a few miles away.



The Six-Day War

The six-day war was fought between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The Battle lasted for a period of 6 days (hence the name), concluding on June 10th. This War was initiated by General Moshe Dayan, Israel’s Defense Minister. This war was a massive disaster for the Arab world.



NATO Temporarily Suspends Air Strikes In Yugoslavia

In an attempt to prevent instability in Kosovo, Yugoslavia, and halt the humanitarian catastrophe, NATO suspended the air campaign which lasted for approximately seventy-seven days. This took place after consultation with the North Atlantic Council, a subsidiary of ‘NATO’ and military General Clark’s confirmation.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa Drowns

The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa led an army towards Jerusalem. The monarch drowned while crossing the Saleph River, located near Antioch. However, it is not very clear whether he drowned while bathing or he fell from his horse while crossing the river.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Execution Of Salem’s First Witch

On this day, Bridget Bishop was hanged for witchcraft, making her the first person from Salem, a village in Massachusetts Bay colony to be tried for such an act. She was known for her suspicious character and hence was found guilty. The infamous Salem witch trials have resulted in the executions of many.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Landslide Dam Collapses

Ten days after the earthquake which occurred in Kangding-Luding area, Sichuan, southwestern China, a landslide dam on Dadu River collapsed, killing 100,000 people. As per records, this was one of the deadliest landslide disasters.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Horrendous Massacre At Myall Creek

On this fateful day, a gang of eleven white settlers murdered 28 Aboriginal men, women and children, near Myall Creek cattle station in New South Wales. This massacre has been quite significant in Australia’s history because this is the first time white men were hanged for the massacre of the Aborigines.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Eruption Of Mt Tarawera

Mt Tarawera, situated in the Central North Island of New Zealand, erupted early in the morning on this day. People woke up to the sights of lightning flashes in the sky, fountains of molten rock, columns of smoke and ash and the violent shaking of the ground. Approximately 153 people died on this fateful day.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Trans Australia Airlines Flight 538 Crashes

A passenger aircraft which belonged to the aviation giant ‘Trans-Australia Airlines’ departed from Brisbane Airport, Queensland, on this day. While the aircraft was about to land at Mackay, it crashed into the sea. There were 29 people on board including the crew and the passengers who were killed in this incident.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Train Mishap In Salem

A train headed to New Orleans from Chicago, derailed in Salem, Illinois, which killed 11 people and injured more than 150. It is believed that the derailment of the train was caused due to a mechanical issue. This is one of the deadliest accidents ever reported in the United States.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Captain’s Miraculous Survival In British Airlines Flight 5390

On this day, Captain Tim Lancaster narrowly escaped from an aviation disaster, when a defective panel of the windscreen blew out, causing the Captain to be pulled out of the aircraft for 22 minutes. The flight attendant caught hold of him quickly, thus averting the danger. Meanwhile, the first officer successfully managed to have an emergency landing.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Midwest Storms Flood US

There were a series of tornado outbreaks which affected most parts of central and eastern North America from June 3rd to 11th. This resulted into serious flooding, worst affected being Lowa city, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. The Midwest region of the country was swept by heavy rainfall and flooding on the 10th of June.



‘Oxford’ And ‘Cambridge’ Lock Horns In A Boat Race

On this day, the first boat race competition between ‘Oxford’ and ‘Cambridge’ took place in Henley-on-Thames, London. Eight-oared boats were used in this much anticipated boating contest. ‘Oxford’ won the race within a short time of just 14 minutes and 30 seconds and bagged a prize of 500 guineas.



Jack White Wins The 44th Open Championship

In the 44th Open Championship held at Royal St George's Golf Club in Sandwich, England, Jack White won the Championship by a stroke from James Braid and J.H. Taylor. It’s reported that for the first time play was extended to three days.



Italy Beats Czechoslovakia: FIFA World Cup

At the ‘Stadio Nazionale PNF’ in Rome, Italy won the grand finale of the FIFA World Cup, beating Czechoslovakia 2-1. Sixteen teams participated in the tournament. For the first 90 minutes, the game was still 1-1, however in the 95th minute, Italy scored a goal in this thriller of a contest.



Louise Suggs Wins 3rd LPGA Championship

On this day, the President of ‘LPGA’, Louise Suggs won the third LPGA Championship, which was held at Churchill Valley Country Club in Blackridge, Pennsylvania, Pittsburg. This event was held between June 6th and June 10th. Louise’s amateur career had created waves within the region’s golf circuit even way before she earned this laurel.



‘Affirmed’ Wins Triple Crown

Affirmed, won the Triple Crown on this day, making him the last race horse to bag the honor. Affirmed was also known for his rivalry with another horse named Alydar and eventually competed with his arch rival in this 110th Belmont Stakes event.


Literature & Entertainment

‘Chicago Tribune’ Publishes Its First Edition

‘Chicago Tribune’, a famous daily newspaper based in Chicago, U.S, published its first edition on 10th June, 1847. The renowned daily is owned by ‘Tribune Publishing’ and was found in the same year. Several sources claim the newspaper still remains the most read daily in the Chicago and Great Lakes regions of the United States.


Literature & Entertainment

First Political Convention Broadcast On Radio

On this day, radio was utilized for the first time ever for a political convention held at Cleveland, Ohio. The listeners got the opportunity to hear the nominating speeches for Calvin Coolidge and several other events which took place during the three day convention. Nomination of Calvin Coolidge as Republican presidential nominee became the big news on the radio.


Literature & Entertainment

Animated Character Barney Bear Makes His Debut

The legendary cartoon character Barney Bear was introduced on June 10, 1939 by the renowned studio ‘MGM’ through their short, animated flick titled ‘The Bear That Couldn’t Sleep’. Barney bear is often portrayed as a sleepy and sluggish bear in pursuit of solitude.


Literature & Entertainment

Beatles ‘Paperback Writer’ Released

‘Paperback Writer’ was a song released by the iconic band ‘Beatles’ in the U.K on this date. The lyrics have been written by musical legends Sir Paul McCartney and John Lennon. This song topped the charts in the U.K, U.S, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Norway.


Literature & Entertainment

Presley Performs At The Iconic Madison Square Garden

Elvis Presley made his first appearance at Madison Square Garden, New York City. There were around 80,000 people who came to attend the show and Elvis performed four times the same day. Elvis’ feat was considered a record at that time since the album was released barely a week after the live performance.



Benjamin Franklin Flies A Kite In Thunderstorm

We all have heard about the dangerous act performed by Benjamin Franklin while he flew a kite with a key tied to it in the thunderstorm and collected the charge in a Leyden jar. By this experiment, he concluded that lightning is an electrical phenomenon and the same can be transferred to other objects in the form of electricity.



John Hancock Busted By The British Authorities

John Hancock, an American merchant, statesman and a smuggler was one of the wealthiest men of his time and most of his fortune came from smuggling. On 10th June, 1768, his ship ‘Liberty’ was seized by British Custom officials since they suspected that the cargo was moved illegally without Hancock paying for the duties.



First Public Zoo In Paris

On this day, ‘Jardin des Plantes’, located in Paris, was declared a zoo, making it the first of its kind in Paris. ‘Jardin des Plantes’, which sprawls over more than 55 acres, was earlier recognized as a botanical garden. This happened in the midst of French Revolution which was quite intriguing. Most of the animals that were exotic were adopted by the zoo authorities under the National Assembly’s command.



1st U.S Steamboat To Make An Ocean Voyage

‘Phoenix’, a steamboat designed by the American engineer John Stevens, was the first American vessel of its kind to go on a voyage from New York City to Philadelphia. It took thirteen days for ‘Phoenix’ to reach Philadelphia making it the first successful ocean voyage in the history.



Bonnie And Clyde Park Car Accident

On the night of 10 June, 1933, infamous outlaws Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker were speeding along the streets of the North Texas countryside. They missed out on a detour sign warning of a bridge which was under construction. As a result, they met with an accident, in which Bonnie suffered from third degree burns which made walking a challenge for the rest of her life



Two Alcoholics Founded A Rehabilitation Program

On this day, in New York City, a 12-step rehabilitation program was found by two alcoholics, one an Ohio physician and the other a New York based broker. This rehabilitation program was named ‘Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A)’. This program helped the members of the organization in controlling their addiction.



First Car Produced By ‘SAAB’

‘SAAB’, a renowned Swedish automobile manufacturer, mainly known for producing military aircrafts during World War II, introduced its first car on this day. This vehicle was named ‘SAAB 92’ and was the firm’s attempt to penetrate into the car manufacturing segment.



Martin Luther’s Assassin, James Earl Ray Escapes From Prison

James Earl Ray, convicted for killing activist Martin Luther King, tried to escape from the ‘Brushy Mountain State Prison’, located in Petros, Tenn on this day. However, he was captured again after three days.



The U.S Army Successfully Tested An Antiballistic Missile

As a part of its national defense program, the U.S Army made advances in testing the feasibility of hit-to-kill vehicles. After three failed flight test attempts, the fourth and the final one was successful on this day.



Claus Von Bulow Acquitted Of Charges Of Wife’s Murder

On this day, Claus von Bulow, a socialite and lawyer of British descent, was acquitted of the charge of trying to murder his wife Sunny von Bülow, by administering insulin overdose. This resulted in her passing into coma, from which she could never revive.



Patrick Joseph Magee Is Convicted

Patrick Magee, 35, who hailed from Belfast, was convicted for his heinous terrorist act on June 10, 1986. Magee, a member of the ‘IRA’, was found guilty of planting a bomb during a Conservative Party conference, which was held at the ‘Brighton Grand Hotel’ and the explosion killed five people. As per the court, this was one of the worst acts of terrorism.



Millennium Bridge Temporarily Closed On The Day Of Its Opening

The millennium bridge connecting St Paul’s Cathedral and the Tate Modern gallery, located on the South Bank. It was closed on the day of its opening, since it shook vigorously due to the mass of the pedestrians.



Clint Messina Arrested

On this day, Clint Messina from Lacombe, Louisiana, was arrested and was also charged for the murder of a police officer, while making an attempt to escape. The Police later learnt that he was wanted by the police for a crime committed a few months ago. Clint along with his associate Rose Houk, 31, stole a ‘Krispy Kreme’ doughnuts delivery truck in Slidell, Louisiana.



Abdullah Al-Muhajir Arrested For A Dirty Bomb Plot

In Chicago, US, militant Abdullah al-Muhajir was arrested on the suspicion that he was planning to detonate a dirty bomb in the U.S. He was suspected to be an ‘Al-Qaeda’ terrorist. A dirty bomb is an explosive high on radioactive content and although it’s not as devastating as a nuclear it creates a significant impact on the psyche of its victims.



Australia Uses Aboriginal Fire Management

Bushfires have been a common phenomenon in Australia due to the relatively hot and dry climate in the continent. Almost every year, these fires used to impact a vast portion of land and posed a threat to human life and property. As a result, the Australians adopted the Aboriginal ancient methodology of Fire management in 2007.



George Mylonas Kidnapped

George Mylonas, a leading Greek Industrialist was abducted by a few armed men on this fateful day. He was nabbed from his home in Thessaloniki. Mylonas is the owner of a leading aluminum manufacturing firm and also the Chairman of the federation of industries in Greece. The reason behind the kidnap is still not clear.

People Born This Day

Franco Modigliani
Italian-American economist and the recipient of the 1985 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. [ Italian ]
Gina Gershon
Actress [ American ]
Judy Garland
Best Known for Her Portrayal of 'Dorothy Gale' in the Movie 'The Wizard of Oz' [ American ]
Prince Philip
Husband of Queen Elizabeth II [ British ]
Faith Evans
R&B Singer Known for Her Albums 'Faith', 'Keep the Faith' and 'Faithfully' [ American ]
Elizabeth Hurley
Best Known for Her Role ‘Vanessa Kensington’ in ‘Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery’ [ British ]
Ruth Graham
Philanthropist, Poet, Author [ Chinese ]
Shane West
Actor and Singer Known for His Films ‘A Walk to Remember’ and ‘What We Do Is Secret’ [ American ]
Hadi Saei
Iranian Councilor and Former Taekwondo Athlete Who Won Two Olympic Gold Medals [ Iranian ]
Andy Schleck
Luxembourgish Former Professional Road Bicycle Racer [ Luxembourgian ]
Marcel Khalife
Composer [ Lebanese ]
Rolandas Paksas
Former President of Lithuania [ Lithuanian ]
Princess Madeleine, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland
Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland and Second Daughter of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia [ Swedish ]
Immanuel Velikovsky
Author [ Israeli ]
Sundar Pichai
CEO of Google Inc [ American ]
Bobby Jindal
55th Governor of Louisiana (2008 - 2016) [ American ]
E. O. Wilson
Biologist [ American ]
Hattie McDaniel
Actress and Comedian Best Known for Her Role as ‘Mammy’ in the Film ‘Gone with the Wind’ [ American ]
Saul Bellow
Writer [ Canadian ]
Prakash Padukone
Former Indian Badminton Player Who Became the First Indian to Win the All England Open Badminton Championships [ Indian ]
Oskar Groening
War Criminal [ German ]
Devin Hayes
YouTuber, Instagram and Vine Star [ American ]
Gustave Courbet
French Painter and Leader of the 19th Century Realist Movement [ French ]
Carlo Ancelotti
Italian Former Professional Footballer Regarded as One of the Greatest Managers of All Time [ Italian ]
Robert Maxwell
British Politician and Member of Parliament for Buckingham from 1964 to 1970 [ British ]
Ryan Thomas
Actor [ British ]
Chris Dixon
YouTube Star [ British ]
Kate Upton
Actress, Cover Model for Famous Magazines, and Model for Vanity Fair's 100th Anniversary Issue [ American ]
F. Lee Bailey
Lawyer [ American ]
Sasha Obama
Daughter of Former US President Barack Obama [ American ]
Brock Vincent Butler
YouTube Star [ American ]
Gianna Martello
Reality TV Star, Choreographer [ American ]
Eliot Spitzer
54th Governor of New York (2007-08) [ American ]
DJ Qualls
Actor [ American ]
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Actress [ American ]
James Francis Edward Stuart
Son of the Deposed Roman Catholic Monarch James II of England [ British ]
Leelee Sobieski
American Retired Actress Known for Her TV Film 'Joan of Arc' and Miniseries 'Uprising' [ American ]
Paige Butcher
American Model and Actress [ American ]
Galia Grainger
British Weight-Loss Expert, TV Personality, and Entrepreneur [ British ]
Corey Funk
YouTuber [ American ]
Greg Marks
Singer, Actor [ American ]
Manny Brown
British YouTuber and FIFA Gamer [ British ]
Martin D. Ginsburg
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Husband [ American ]
Brooklyn Kelly
Vlogger, Model [ New Zealander ]
Eric Villency
Interior Designer [ American ]
Kate Flannery
Best Known for Her Role as ‘Meredith Palmer’ in the TV Series ‘The Office’ [ American ]
Bill Burr
Is an American Comedian, Actor, Writer [ American ]
Susannah Fielding
Actress [ British ]
Tim Van Patten
Director and Actor Best Known for the Direction of Series Like 'The Sopranos' & 'The Wire' [ American ]
Svante Thunberg
Actor [ Swedish ]
Michelle Foley
TikTok Star [ American ]
Gracie Piscopo
Australian Instagram Star [ Australian ]
GiaNina Paolantonio
TikTok Star [ American ]
Amare Frost
TikTok Star, YouTuber [ American ]
Courtney Dickerson
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Abel Carden
American TikToker [ American ]
Delilah Belle Hamlin
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Ethan bangs
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Elsie Lovelock
British YouTuber [ British ]
Lucy Bella Earl
British YouTuber [ British ]
Hamza Ahmed
British YouTuber [ British ]
Jamie J Smith
British TikToker [ British ]
Danielle Peazer
British YouTuber [ British ]
Damian Kwiatowski
American TikToker [ American ]
Chelsea Pre
American TikToker [ American ]
Maggie Thurmon
American TikToker [ American ]
Jack Gordon
American YouTuber [ American ]
Jaelyn DeShay
American TikToker [ American ]
Damion Cryer
American YouTuber [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Loryn Hansbrough
American Instagrammer [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Katelyn Lordahl
American TikToker [ American ]
Sabrina Lilliane
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Elli TV
American YouTuber [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]

People Died This Day

Frederick Delius
Composer [ British ]
Andre Marie Ampere
Physicist [ French ]
John Gotti
American Gangster and Boss of the 'Gambino Crime Family' [ American ]
Marcus Garvey
Jamaican Political Activist, Journalist and Founder and First President-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association [ Jamaican ]
Ray Charles
Singer-songwriter [ American ]
Spencer Tracy
One of the Greatest Actors of Hollywood's Golden Age [ American ]
Jack Johnson
One of the Most Influential Boxers of All Time [ American ]
Suleyman Rustam
Communist Soviet Azerbaijani Poet and Dramatist [ Azerbaijani ]
Hafez al-Assad
18th President of Syria [ Syrian ]
Robert Brown
Botanist [ British ]
Sigrid Undset
Norwegian-Danish Novelist and Winner of 1928 Nobel Prize in Literature [ Norwegian ]
Christina Grimmie
American Pop Singer and YouTube Personality [ American ]
Liu Bei
Founder of the Chinese Shu Han Dynasty [ Chinese ]
Antoni Gaudí
Architect [ Spanish ]
Emma Borden
Lizzie Borden's Sister [ American ]
Mary Maxwell Gates
Businesswoman [ American ]
Michael Rennie
Actor [ British ]
Louis L’Amour
Novelist [ American ]
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