September 8this a day which is replete with battles fought across continents. London was attacked with a V2 rocket for the first time on this day in 1944. The Battle of Orsha, The Great Siege of Malta, Battle Of Lake George are some of the battles that were fought on this day. The Siege Of Leningrad by German Forces began and Italy surrendered to the Allies. Germany joined the League of Nations and Menton, France, got freedom from Germany. A masterpiece was added to the world of art after Italian sculptor Michelangelo’s David was unveiled in Piazza della Signoria in Italy in 1504. The city of St. Augustine was founded by Spaniard Pedro Menéndez de Avilés on this day. On the sports front, the first season of the English Football League started in 1888 in which twelve teams took part. In a breakthrough in the field of naval technology the Isaac Peral submarine was launched, which was the first to have an undersea torpedo and ran on electricity. Today, many things can be fixed using a cello tape; this indispensable part of our lives was marketed by the 3M Company on this day. A new source of information entered the society when the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or CBC Television made its debut in 1952.