A wise man once said that history is a sum total of things that could have been avoided. Now, a pessimist would agree that the statement resonates with truth, while an optimist would argue that history is not as gruesome or horrible as most people make it out to be. And clichéd though it may sound, the realist knows for a fact that “the truth is always somewhere in between”. Let’s take the 6th of September as a case in point. The glass is half full when you consider that this was the day Louisa Ann Swain of Wyoming unwittingly became a champion of women's empowerment. That's not all. The day is also remembered for three remarkable voyages: while Columbus (1492) and the Pilgrims (1620) set out seeking new shores and better prospects, Magellan's 'Victoria' (1522) returned after circumnavigating the world for the first time. And on the half-empty side of the glass, you have the assassination of William McKinley (1901) and the Munich Massacre (1972) – tragedies that showed humanity at its worst. So, who would you side with? Is history a catalog of regrets? Or a treasure trove of hope? Or a repository of past events, the understanding of which is the key to a better future? Read on and decide for yourself.