3rd September In History

September 3rd holds a very important place in world history as many important events have occurred on this day. This day has seen the founding of countries and states and also the election of new popes to head the Catholic Church. This day has also witnessed several important battles throughout the centuries, which have shaped the destinies of several nations. September 3rd has also seen the negotiating of important treaties and peace agreements ending decades of war between countries. For sports fans also, this day has seen some important events which have kept its place in the record books. The first Formula 1 champion was crowned on this day thus emphasizing the importance of this day. This day has also seen the rise of long running television series and also the birth of famous authors. September 3rd has seen important events in the course of World War II that has influenced policies for years to come. Several sources have covered the significance of this date in world history and the importance of this date should not be ignored.




San Marino Is Founded As A Nation

On this day, the country of San Marino was founded as a nation by the Christian stonemason named Marino. The country is considered to be one of the oldest republics, with a constitution dating back to the year 1600, and is located within Italy. It’s the only country with more vehicles than people.



Consecration Of Pope Gregory I

On this day in 590, Gregory I was consecrated as the pope of the Catholic Church. With the consecration, Gregory the Great became the first monk to occupy the Throne of Saint Peter.



Richard I Of England Crowned

On this day, Richard I, the younger brother of Henry, was crowned the new King of England. The day was considered very significant as the feast of the Pope St. Gregory was said to have occurred on this day.



Richard Cromwell Becomes Lord Protector

On this day in 1658, the son of Oliver Cromwell, Richard Cromwell, was proclaimed the lord protector of England. Richard was however not as successful as his father as the leader of the Commonwealth in England.



Treaty Of Paris Signed

This was a very important day in the history of the Unites States, when envoys from the Unites States, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and France came together to sign the Treaty of Paris to signal the end of the American Revolution and bring freedom to the thirteen American colonies.



King Otto Of Greece Allows A Constitution

In response to a major uprising in the city of Athens on this day, King Otto faced tremendous pressure from the masses and agreed to grant a new constitution. This event was considered to be a major occurrence in Greek history.



Benedict Xv Elected As The New Pope

Pope Benedict XV was elected to the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. He was Pope from 1914 to 1922. His real name was Giacomo Paolo Giovanni Battista della Chiesa.



Prince Of Albania Leaves Country

On this day in 1914, William, The Prince of Albania, fled the country after the public opposed his rule and argued for the formation of a republic. William’s reign ended on January 31, 1925 when the Albanian Republic was formed.



Qatar Declares Independence

On this day in 1971, Qatar was established as an independent state thanks to a new Anglo-Qatari treaty stating cooperation between the two countries. On this day, the Prime Minister and the heir apparent announced the independent statehood of Qatar.



President Of Burundi, Jean Baptiste Bagaza, Ousted In A Coup

The then president of Burundi, Jean Baptiste Bagaza was deposed in a bloodless coup. The coup was undertaken by Burundi’s military leaders and it was announced via a radio address that Bagaza has been replaced as the head of state.



George H.W. Bush And Mikhail Gorbachev Meet To Discuss Iraqi Crisis

A major meeting took place on this day between the then US President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss the Iraqi crisis in the Middle East and the policies to be adopted to handle the conflict.

36 BC


Battle Of Naulochus

On this day in 36 BC, the Battle of Naulochus was fought between the fleets of Sextus Pompeius and Marcus Agrippa. The battle occurred near Messina in Sicily. Pompeius was defeated by Agrippa during the course of this battle.



King Wamba Puts Down Hilderic Revolt

On this day in 673, the King of the Visigoths, Wamba, crushed a revolt by Hilderic, governor of Nimes (France). Hilderic was rival for the throne



Battle Of Lalakaon

On this day, the Battle of Lalakaon was fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Arabs in northern Turkey. The Byzantines were led by General Petronas and the Arabs were led by the Emir Melitene. The battle led to the Byzantine victory over the Arabs.



The Battle Of Ain Jalut

This battle saw a comprehensive victory by the Mamluks of Egypt over the invading Mongols. The battle halted the expansion of Mongol Empire. The Mongols were heavily undermanned which led to their defeat.



The Battle Of Dunbar

This was a major battle during the English Civil War when the English troops commanded by the famous general, Oliver Cromwell, crushed the Scottish army. This defeat for the Scots was a landmark as it left the Scots under English rule for the next ten years.



Battle Of Worcester

The Battle of Worcester was a major battle during the English Civil War. Charles II, the son of the former king was commanding an army of Scots to try and regain the throne. They faced stiff opposition from an army commanded by Oliver Cromwell, and were resoundingly defeated thus signaling the end of the war.



Battle Of Cooch’s Bridge

On this day in 1777, a major battle in the American Revolutionary War was fought. The battle involved a strong army of the continentals fighting against the British army and this resulted in a victory for the Continental Army, and a hoisting of the United States flag for the first time.



U.S. Army Takes Revenge For The Grattan Massacre

On this day on 1855, General William Harney of the United States army led a troop of 600 men to Ash Hollow in Nebraska, to avenge the Grattan Massacre, which had occurred a year earlier. The attack was on a Sioux Village and resulted in the deaths of over a 100 women and children.



General Polk Invades Kentucky

On this day in 1861, Confederate General Leonidas Polk invaded the neutral state of Kentucky. The invasion caused the Unionist legislature to ask the federal government to drive away Polk and his army from the heavily divided state of Kentucky.



The Siege Of Metz

On this day a major event occurred in the Franco-Prussian War when the Siege of Metz took place. The siege went on till the end of October and resulted in a major Prussian victory and heralded a turning point in the course of that war.



Siege Of British Residency In Kabul

On this day a major event occurred during the second Anglo-Afghan war, when a group of Afghans attacked the British Residency in Kabul. This event was considered to be the starting point of a major phase in the war, as Kabul was invaded by a strong Anglo Indian army.



Britain And France Declare War On Germany

In response to the Germany's invasion of Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany, thus setting the tone for the Second World War.



Battle Of The Atlantic Begins

On this day in 1939, the Battle of the Atlantic started when a naval blockade was undertaken by United Kingdom and France against the German forces. The control of the shipping routes greatly helped in sealing a victory for the Allies against the Germans during World War II.



Allied Forces Invade Italy Begins In World War II

Field Marshal Montgomery of the British Army began the invasion of the Italian peninsula on this day in 1943. The successful invasion also resulted in the surrender by the Italian government to the allies. This day also marked the signing of the Armistice of Cassibile, an agreement between the Unites States of America and Italy.



US Military Assistance Group Arrives In Saigon

A US Military Assistance Advisory Group arrived in Saigon to look into the French request for American military aid and assistance in the training of the South Vietnamese troops.



Quemoy Islands Shelled By The People’s Liberation Army

On this day, the People’s Liberation Army caused considerable panic when they started shelling the Quemoy Islands. Thousands of rounds of ammunition fell on the islands on this day, causing the US army to reconsider its battle plans and plan a retaliation against the bombardment.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

British Ship SS Princess Alice Sinks In River Thames

More than 600 people lost their lives on this day in 1878 when the ship “Princess Alice” collided with another boat on the River Thames. This was considered to be one of the worst disasters in Thames’ history.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Hurricane Hits The Dominican Republic

September 3, 1930 was a devastating day for the Dominican Republic. A powerful hurricane hit the nation and resulted in the deaths of more than 8000 people.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Vietnam Airlines Tu-134B; Flight 815 Crashes

Vietnam Airlines Tu-134B; Flight 815 headed for Ho Chi Minh City crashed on this day in 1997. The crash resulted in the deaths of all the six crew members and all but one of the 60 passengers who were on board.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

U.S. Navy Rigid Airship USS Shenandoah Crashes

USS Shenandoah, one of the first U.S. Navy rigid airships, was crashed in a thunderstorm Ohio on September 3, 1925. Fourteen crew members, including Commander Zachary Lansdowne, were killed, while twenty nine people survived the crash.



John Brallier Becomes First Openly Professional US Football Player

John Braillier made history on this day in 1895 when he became the first professional football player in America. He was the first salaried player as he was paid $10 to play for the Latrobe Athletic Association in that year.



Nino Farina Wins World’s First Formula One World Drivers’ Championship

This was an important day for motorsport, when Guiseppe “Nino” Farina of Italy, won the world’s first Formula 1 Drivers Championship. He won the championship at the age of 44 and drove for the Alfa Romeo team, alongside the legendary Juan Manuel Fangio.


Literature & Entertainment

Soap Opera ‘Search For Tomorrow’ Premieres On CBS

The soap opera “Search for tomorrow” premiered on the CBS network on this day in 1951. The show had a long run on the US networks before finally ending in 1986, making it one of the longest running series on US television.



Pigeon Roost Massacre In Indiana

On this day in 1812, a gruesome massacre occurred in the unprotected settlement of Pigeon Roost, Indiana. A war party of twelve or more Shawnee mercilessly killed the wife and seven children of Elias Payne and set fire to the cabin in which the family resided in the Pigeon Roost plantation.



Frederick Douglass Escapes From Slavery

On this day in 1938, Frederick Bailey, the 20-year-old slave, disguised himself as a free black sailor and made a daring escape from his master in Baltimore. After his escape, he adopted a new name, Frederick Douglass.



Charles Wisner Car ‘Buzz Wagon’ Debuts In Flint

On this day in 1900, the first ever car built in the town of Flint, Michigan, made its debut in the town’s Labor Day parade. Designed by an amateur part time manufacturer named Charles H. Wisner, the car was nicknamed as the “Buzz-Wagon”. Flint soon became the hub of the American auto industry.



U.S. President Woodrow Wilson Embarks On League Of Nations Tour

On this day in 1919, US President Woodrow Wilson embarked on a trip across continents to promote the concept of the League of Nations and also the Treaty of Versailles. This brought an end to the World War I and furthered Wilson’s agenda for world peace.



Malcolm Campbell Breaks 300 Mph Barrier

British driver Malcolm Campbell made history on this day in 1935, when he broke the 300 mph barrier with his 2,500-hp motor car ‘Bluebird’. Campbell served as a pilot in World War and subsequently became a racing driver and broke this speed record.



Anne Frank And Family Board Train For Auschwitz

On this day in 1944, Anne Frank and her family boarded the train for the Auschwitz concentration camp. They arrived three days later and thus began her story which she penned down in the form of a diary and which was later published as “The Diary of Anne Frank”.



Sweden Switches From Left-Hand Side Driving To Right Hand Side Driving

On this day in 1967, Sweden changed from driving on the left-hand side of the road to driving on the right. This day is referred to as “Dagen H” in Sweden. The switch posed considerable problems initially before things settled down.



Viking 2 Spacecraft Lands On Mars

This day in 1976, saw the second landing of a US spacecraft on Mars. Viking 2 followed the successful landing of Viking I, just a few weeks earlier. The Viking program of the U.S. was enormously successful in providing the first real close up look of Mars.



Steve Wozniak’s US Festival Opens In California

On this day in 1982, Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, opened his very own music festival in San Bernadino, California. Some of the most prominent names among different genres of music, performed at the festival.



John Dalton Begins Using Symbols To Represent The Atoms Of Different Elements

English scientist John Dalton begins using symbols to represent the atoms of different elements. He used his own symbols to visually represent the atomic structure of compounds.

People Born This Day

Malcolm Gladwell
Author of 'The Tipping Point', 'Blink', and 'Outliers' [ Canadian ]
Charlie Sheen
Best Known for His Role of 'Charlie Harper' in the CBS Sitcom 'Two and a Half Men' [ American ]
Eduardo Galeano
Uruguayan Journalist & Writer Best-Known for His Works ‘Las venas abiertas de América Latina’ & ‘Memoria del Fuego’ [ Uruguayan ]
Alan Ladd
Actor and Film Producer [ American ]
Carl David Anderson
Physicist [ American ]
Caryl Churchill
British Playwright Best Known for Her Plays: ‘Top Girls’, ‘Cloud 9’ and ‘Serious Money’ [ British ]
Prudence Crandall
Connecticut's official State Heroine [ American ]
Maithripala Sirisena
President of Sri Lanka [ Sri Lankan ]
Louis Sullivan
Pioneering Architect [ American ]
Frank Macfarlane Burnet
Australian Physician and Winner of the 1960 Nobel Prize in Medicine [ Australian ]
Whitey Bulger
Crime Boss [ American ]
Levy Mwanawasa
Member of Parliament [ Zambian ]
Jaggi Vasudev
Yoga Guru [ Indian ]
Kevin Bojorquez
TikTok Star [ American ]
Ferdinand Porsche
Automotive Engineer and Founder of the ‘Porsche AG’ [ Austrian ]
Garrett Hedlund
Actor Best Known for His Films: 'Tron: Legacy', 'Unbroken' and 'Four Brothers' [ American ]
Pilar Pallete
Peruvian Actress and Third Wife of the Popular American Actor John Wayne [ Peruvian ]
Rapper & Songwriter Best Known for Being Part of the Musical Duo 'LMFAO' [ American ]
August Alsina
Singer, Songwriter [ American ]
Dominic Thiem
One of the Best Austrian Tennis Players in History [ Austrian ]
Rachel Johnson
Editor, Journalist [ British ]
Kaia Gerber
Model [ American ]
Chamath Palihapitiya
Founder and CEO of Venture Capital Firm 'Social Capital' [ Canadian ]
Shaun White
American Former Professional Snowboarder [ American ]
Dominick Cruz
American Professional Mixed Martial Artist [ American ]
Sebastian Lletget
American Professional Football Player Who Plays as a Midfielder [ American ]
Drena De Niro
Actress [ American ]
Jamie Linden
American Screenwriter Best Known for His Work: ‘We Are Marshall’ and ‘Dear John’ [ American ]
Noah Baumbach
Filmmaker [ American ]
Singer [ Jamaican ]
Valentina Paola
Instagram Star [ American ]
Trixie Trujillo
Skateboarder [ American ]
Rich Brian
Known for His Viral Debut Single "Dat $tick" [ Indonesian ]
Jack Dylan Grazer
American Actor Known for His Role as ‘Eddie Kaspbrak’ in the Film ‘It’ [ American ]
Natalie Juliet
TikTok Star [ American ]
Valerie Perrine
Actress and Model Known for Her Role as ‘Honey Bruce’ in the Film ‘Lenny’ [ American ]
Eileen Brennan
Best Known for Her Role as ‘Captain Doreen Lewis’ in the Film ‘Private Benjamin’ [ American ]
Jean Currivan Trebek
Alex Trebek's Wife [ American ]
Kai Lawrence
Canadian Murder Convict [ Canadian ]
Kyline Alcantara
Actress [ Filipino ]
Christine Woods
Actress [ American ]
Nichole Hiltz
Actress [ American ]
Nick Wechsler
Actor [ American ]
George Hearst
United States Senator from California (1886, 1887-91) [ American ]
Dave Ramsey
American Businessman, Radio Show Host and Author Known for His Book ‘The Total Money Makeover’ [ American ]
Steve Schirripa
Actor [ American ]
Jevon Kearse
American Football Player [ American ]
Dick Strawbridge
British Television Personality, Engineer and Former Army Officer [ British ]
Riley Hubatka
American TikTok Star Who Mainly Posts Beauty and Lifestyle-Related Videos [ American ]
Adam Jones
Instagram Star [ American ]
TikTok Star [ American ]
Mattie Westbrouck
TikTok Star [ American ]
JeanCarlo Leon
Colombian Social Media and TikTok Star [ Colombian ]
Dylan Lemay
TikTok Star [ American ]
YouTube Star [ American ]
Jason Tharpe
American TikToker [ American ]
Kyle Christian
American YouTuber [ American ]
Paris Kinsey
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Canadian Twitch Streamer [ Canadian ]
Jamie Corbett
Canadian Instagrammer [ Canadian ]
Ryan Snellings
British TikToker [ British ]
Joshua Cauldwell
British TikToker [ British ]
Roy Dubois
American TikToker [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Wynter Phoenix
Swiss TikToker [ Swiss ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Colton Johnson
American TikToker [ American ]
Addison Wallace
American YouTuber [ American ]
Donut Operator
American YouTuber [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
American Twitch Streamer [ American ]
Stephanie Pena
American TikToker [ American ]
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Tommy Mx
American YouTuber [ American ]
Cam Steady
American YouTuber [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Courtney Cahoon
American TikToker [ American ]
Joey Itkin
American YouTuber [ American ]
Julius Joestar
American TikToker [ American ]
Esai Givens
American YouTuber [ American ]
Jazmine Gutierrez
American TikToker [ American ]

People Died This Day

E. E. Cummings
Poet [ American ]
Michel de Montaigne
One of the Most Significant Philosophers of the French Renaissance [ French ]
Oliver Cromwell
English Statesman [ British ]
W. Clement Stone
Businessman & Self Help Book Author [ American ]
Vince Lombardi
One of the Greatest Coaches and Leaders in the History of All American Sports [ American ]
Sun Myung Moon
Religious Leader [ North Korean ]
Griselda Blanco
Colombian Drug Lady of the Medellín Cartel [ Colombian ]
Piero Sraffa
Founder of the Neo-Ricardian School of Economics [ Italian ]
Frank Capra
One of America's Most Influential Directors During the 1930s [ American ]
William Rehnquist
16th Chief Justice of the United States [ American ]
Edvard Beneš
Former President of Czechoslovakia [ Czech ]
Michael Clarke Duncan
Actor [ American ]
Chandra Bahadur Dangi
Shortest Adult Male in Recorded History [ Nepalese ]
Thuy Trang
Vietnamese-American Actress, Known for Her Role as ‘Trini Kwan’ in the TV Series ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ [ Vietnamese ]
Ivan Turgenev
Novelist, Short Story Writer, Poet & Popularizer of Russian Literature in the West [ Russian ]
Judy Carne
Actress [ British ]
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