What do you think about history? Is it something which intrigues you or just the mere mention of the word makes you fall asleep within no time? For a few people, the second option holds good; the reason being that it is something which we had to learn in school and remembering events along with their dates for exams challenged our brains like none other. However, if we change our perspective a little and try looking at the subject from a different angle, we will definitely find it interesting. When we do not think about exams and marks and only go through the pages of history like any work of fiction, it is even more engrossing than a best-selling novel.
Whether it be friendly ties or the beginning of a new hostility, history is knit with all these intricacies. When we look at it closely, we know how every single event from the past, has played a vital role in building our present. Some of those occurrences have made such an impact that along with the incident, the date on which it occurred has become famous too. For instance, the Chicago Riot and the Black July incidents have made 27th July a remarkable date in history along with other events, good and bad. Take a peek into this date and you will know why this date is essential to us.