According to the famous English romantic poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, “History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man”. So, over the years we have been seeing the repetitive patterns of the way history presents itself to people. Great achievements, developments in assorted fields, battles of different kinds have their memories that linger around us even today. Even though history has a lot to teach, yet events of the same nature keep repeating again and again which probably makes it cyclic. One such eventful day in history is 1st September and you shall be shocked to learn that so much has happened on just one single day. A number of great battles were started on Ist September; the World War II being the most infamous among them. The other major battles that started on this date were the Battle of Castelnaudary, Battle of Tippermuir, Battle of Chantilly and the Battle of Sedan. The last one resulted in the capture of Emperor Napoleon III. Deadly natural disasters like the Japan and Iran earthquakes, forest fires of Minnesota and the Hurricane Carol of Mississippi all took place on 1st September. Two well-known asteroids, 3 Juno 3 and 31 Euphrosyne, and solar flares were also discovered on this day. Lot of other events with varying importance took place on this day. And coming back to the cyclic nature of events, we can always figure out a strong pattern which keeps getting repeated which each passing year. Nevertheless, history still holds a very dear place in the hearts of people of every epoch and will continue to do so. Let's scoop out some more information on this special date-1st September.