While a few may recognize April 12 for its national importance, a few others may remember it for personal reasons. Whatever said and done, April 12 has more significance than most of us think. Hundreds of history books and online sources prove that many of the world’s most significant events have apparently occurred on this date. If you are puzzled as to which important event we are talking about, there is one instance we would like to cite. The Union flag of the United Kingdom, which the world is quite familiar with, came into existence on this date, more than 2 centuries ago. Since then, the flag is being used in events of national importance. A study of the various wars waged over the past two centuries also reveal several significant developments which have occurred on this date. Although many of us might have gathered a lot of knowledge regarding these yesteryear battles, there are a lot of important details related to April 12 which we might have missed. This is a summary of few such episodes to have occurred on this date.