It might so happen that we are working with or looking through something and all of a sudden the origin of it comes to our mind. At that very moment we start looking for the zillion answers which our mind seeks about that specific thing; it could be a machine, a movie, a fort or a devastated land. We start wondering whether this was the same, years ago or the story was different altogether. The only way in which we find out in order to satiate our thirsty inquisitiveness is to flip through the pages of history. While we go through the past we realize the importance of each and every date. Let us take the date 10th April. What significance does this hold for you? Many of you will only consider it a date which comes every year, except for the ones who have birthdays on this day. However, if you think about it from the historical perspective, you will find how eventful and vital 10th April has been in shaping our past. Without much ado, let us find out why and how 10th April holds such an essential place in the pages of history.