3rd April In History

The fourth month of the year, April, has more significance than just being a pleasant time of the year. While a few remember it for the famous ‘Fool’s Day’, several thoughts trigger historians while speaking about April. Each day of this month has a significance of its own and April 3rd is no different in this regard. Although several historic events have occurred on this date, especially during the 19th and 20th centuries, many prominent episodes are said to have occurred on April 3rd, several centuries ago. For instance, the city of Barcelona might be a popular holiday destination today, but an important event which took place here on April 3, 801 may come as a surprise to many. Several online sources summarize a few common events which have occurred on this date. However, communicating with historians and researchers might unravel few other astonishing facts related to this date. Most of you might be curious to know the reasons which make this date historically significant. These points below will reveal all the answers related to this date. Scroll below to put an end to your curiosity.




Invasion Of Barcelona

The Spanish city of Barcelona was a colony possessed by rulers of the Muslim community. However, the monarch Louis ‘The Pious’ launched an attack on Barcelona and after a revolt which lasted two years, the Muslim inhabitants of Barcelona succumbed and accepted defeat on April 3, 801.



‘Edward The Confessor’ Is Crowned The Ruler Of England

Edward, the half-brother of the former English king Harthacnut, was crowned on April 3, 1043. Popularly, known as ‘Edward The Confessor’, this monarch was in exile for quite some time till he resurfaced in 1041, two years before he assumed the throne.



Fruili Gets Its First Parliament

Fruili is a picturesque town situated in Italy. Surprisingly, a parliament was found in this small town way back in April 3, 1077. Not many researchers are sure if most countries in the world had such an establishment back then.



Joseph Stalin Secures A High Rank In The Communist Party

Like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin too continues to be remembered as one of the most infamous leaders of all time, even years after his death. Apart from being the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, another milestone of Stalin’s career was being elected the General Secretary of the Communist Party on April 3, 1922.



Eleanor Roosevelt’s Interesting Revelation

Eleanor Roosevelt grabbed headlines on April 3, 1933 and the reason was quite interesting. The former first lady of the United States had announced to a few sections of the media that beer would be served at the White House, leaving many amused.



Execution Of Lt. General Masaharu Homma

For those of you who don’t know who Masaharu Homma is, the man was the face of the Imperial army of Japan. Lt. General Homma played a crucial role in the invasion of Philippines. He was a big threat to the United States during World War II and this prompted the western nation to execute him. The Firing squad of America finally got rid of Homma on April 3, 1946.



‘Jeju Massacre’ Scars South Korea

Jeju, an island in Korea, witnessed a horrific bloodshed on April 3, 1948, killing thousands of people across the nation. The cause that triggered this riot was the announcement of elections by the association named ‘United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea’. This decision wasn’t welcomed by members of the political outfit ‘South Korea Labor Party’, resulting in the massacre.



Harry S Truman Passes The ‘Marshall Plan’

One of the significant achievements of former American president Harry Truman’s administration is the ‘Marshall Plan’, which the leader had signed on April 3, 1948. The motive of this move of the American government was to rebuild the European nations which were shattered by the consequences of World War II.



Martin Luther King Jr’s Iconic Speech

A prime reason behind activist Martin Luther King Jr.’s popularity amongst the masses is his fine oratory skills. On April 3, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous ‘I’ve been to the mountaintop’ speech which continues to inspire many youngsters even today. Unfortunately, the very next day, the renowned activist became a victim of assassination.



Anwar Sadat’s Famous Meeting With Jimmy Carter

Impressed by the leadership abilities of the famous politician Anwar Sadat, former American president Jimmy Carter arrived at a crucial decision on April 3, 1978. Carter came up with an idea of holding a meeting with Sadat and Israeli premier Menachem Begin. This ide paved way for a great political development known as ‘David Camp Accord’



Chicago Gets Its First Female Mayor

If the historic events to have occurred in Chicago, USA, are to be summarized, then this one definitely deserves a spot in the compilation. Jane Byrne created history on April 3, 1979, by becoming the first female mayor of the city. Jane soon became a source of inspiration for several American women.



Col. Lansana Conte Rises To Power

Very few presidents have enjoyed the privilege of holding the title of their nation’s supreme leader for more than 2 decades and Lansana Conte is one of them. After assuming power on April 3, 1984, Conte ruled his nation, Guinea, for the next twenty four years, until his demise.



Thalit Massacre In Algeria

Thalit, a sleepy hamlet in Algeria was wiped out due to a massacre that occurred on April 3, 1997. Of the 53 residents of the village, 52 of them lost their lives due to an attack carried out by an insurgent group on April 3, 1997. Apparently, the throats of all the victims were slit open.



British Naval Fleet Attacked

The ‘Continental Congress’, a political association, didn’t want to leave any stone unturned in attacking British navy troops. However, the drawback was that the Americans didn’t have a strong, sophisticated naval fleet. Hence, John Hancock, the president of the convention gave privateers the nod to carry out the attack on the Englishmen on April 3, 1776, by signing a bill for the same.



Troops Of The ‘Union’ Invade Richmond, Virginia

The great ‘Third Battle of Petersburg’ commenced in April 1865. The forces of the American ‘Union’ successfully captured the Petersburg and Richmond regions of the state of Virginia on April 3, the same year, a feat which went on to find a place in the history books.



Japanese Military Troops Revolt Against United States

The military forces of Japan crushed the American forces stationed in Bataan, Philippines on this day in 1942. Known as the ‘Battle of Bataan’, this revolt resulted in many American soldiers surrendering to Japanese troops.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Explosion Triggered By Gunpowder In Rhodes

The exact cause of this tragedy continues to be a subject of debate. However, this ghastly incident, which took place within the premises of the iconic ‘Palace of The Grand Masters’, located in Rhodes, an island in Greece, resulted in the death of 4000. The cause was a lightning which ignited a vast stock of explosives stored in the Palace’s vicinity, triggering the blast.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The Start Of The Infamous ‘Whitechapel Murders’

This incident is remembered by such a name because it occurred in the Whitechapel district, located towards the east of London. Starting on April 3, 1888, when the first murder took place, several women were butchered mercilessly later on. It was believed that the notorious criminal ‘Jack The Ripper’ was the culprit behind the killings.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

‘Hudsonville-Standale Tornado’

Claimed to be the most devastating tornado to have ever affected Michigan, this calamity struck the Hudsonville region on April 3, 1956. The tragedy apparently claimed around 17 lives and left more than 300 grievously injured.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

‘1974 Super Outbreak’ Severely Affects Parts Of The U.S

In a matter of 24 hours, the devastating ‘1974 Super Outbreak’ shattered several regions of the United States. If some online sources are to be believed, the tragedy claimed 320 lives and injured around 5,500 people. Some of the regions affected by this natural calamity were Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Georgia, North Carolina and even parts of New York.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Crash Of A United States Air Force Plane

Although many plane crashes had occurred in the United States in the past, this tragedy which occurred on April 3, 1996, sparked off a heated debate across the United States. The acclaimed American politician Ron Brown, traveling in this Air Force plane, succumbed to the aircraft’s crash in Croatia leading to the speculations of a conspiracy. Around 34 other people, who were travelling along with Ron, also lost their lives in this deadly accident.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Shootout At ‘American Civic Association’

Known as the ‘Binghamton Shootings’, this unfortunate incident took place at an immigration center located in New York, USA. It is believed that English was being taught at the place regularly and a former student of Vietnamese origin, carried out this shoot out. On April 3, 2009, Wong, the culprit, entered the premises of the ‘American Civic Association’ and shot 13 people. At the end, Wong even killed himself making this incident one of the bloodiest mass-murder suicides of recent times.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Floods In Argentina

The Argentinian city of Buenos Aires experienced one of its worst floods on April 3, 2013. The natural calamity claimed 46 lives in the Latin American nation and displaced thousands.



Oxford Emerges Victorious During The 100th Boat Race

This traditional event has been happening over several years at the River Thames. The contenders have always been teams from the acclaimed institutions, ‘University of Cambridge’ and ‘University of Oxford’. The 100th event of this boating competition was held on April 3, 1954. The winner of this 20 minute thrilling encounter was the team from ‘Oxford’.



Bobby Fischer’s Famous Decision

Bobby Fischer belongs to the league of the finest Chess players ever produced in the world. On April 3, 1975 Fischer was supposed to lock horns with Anatoly Karpov, another great, in a Chess encounter. Fischer had a fall out with the World Chess Federation over few of his requests, to which the sports body didn’t pay heed. Thus, Fischer forfeited the match in protest and Karpov was pronounced the winner.



Grand National Horse Race’s Puzzling End

Fans of horse racing will definitely remember this famous event, which was held on April 3, 1993. Of the 39 participants, most of them started before the race was even flagged off. As a result of the erroneous start, this much awaited event had to be called off.


Literature & Entertainment

‘American Civil Liberties Union’ Backs ‘Howl’

While a few considered ‘Howl’ a literary masterpiece, a few other had objections against its content. After mesmerizing English readers, the book reached American shores in the mid-1950s. However, the authorities of the U.S seized many copies of the book, expressing their objection to the literary work. The ‘American Civil Liberties Union’ decided to back this work of literature and on April 3, 1955, announced that it will advocate its release.


Literature & Entertainment

Charlie Chaplin Arrives In The U.S

The fame of the iconic actor Charlie Chaplin declined rapidly during the 1940s, after he was linked to various scandals. The U.S authorities even involved the FBI to interrogate Chaplin, forcing the latter to seek an asylum in Switzerland. On April 2, 1972, Chaplin left for the States, after almost three decades, much to the delight of his admirers. He landed on American soil the very next day.


Literature & Entertainment

‘50th Academy Awards’

Los Angeles, California, played the host of the 50th event of the prestigious Academy award ceremony, which attracted people from all over the world. The sci-fi magnum-opus ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Annie Hall’ stole the show by bagging most of the awards at this grand event, held on April 3, 1978.


Literature & Entertainment

‘The Fast & The Furious’ Breaks Records

The fourth installment of the big-budget Hollywood blockbuster ‘The Fast & The Furious’, released on April 3, 2009 across the United States. As expected, the flick shattered box office records on this day and was termed ‘the car movie with the highest collection on its opening day’.


Literature & Entertainment

Taylor Swift Wins A Prestigious Award

Acclaimed singer Taylor Swift has swept music lovers off their feet and several of her tracks have turned chartbusters. One of Swift’s many achievements was the ‘Entertainer of The Year’ award, which the singer bagged at the ‘46th Annual ACM Awards’ ceremony, held on April 3, 2011.


Literature & Entertainment

Announcement Of Jay Leno’s Retirement

For most fans of the famous ‘The Tonight Show’, this revelation came as a shocker. On April 3, 2013, it was announced that the legendary television host Jay Leno would be hanging his boots and would be replaced by Jimmy Fallon, another famous face.



Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ

Many sources claim the date of Crucifixion of Jesus Christ to be April 3, 0033. However, there are also many who claim that the execution was carried out during another year. The death of the religious figure was mourned all over the world and came to be known as ‘Good Friday’ later on.



Start Of The ‘Pony Express’

The ‘Pony Express’ a mail delivery service supported by horses, started on April 3, 1860. The ‘Pony Express’ improved communication across several regions of the United States and helped many get access to letters and newspapers.



Execution Of Jesse James

The notorious outlaw Jesse James gave the lawmen a wild goose chase and was feared across the United States. However, one of his own accomplices ended James’ life on April 3, 1882, by shooting the latter.



Imprisonment Of Oscar Wilde

Homosexuality was a topic of taboo, especially during the 1800’s and the acclaimed writer Oscar Wilde had to bear the brunt of the society’s dislike towards gays. Wilde was accused of homosexual relationships with several young boys and on April 3, 1895 he was even tried by a court for his leaning towards homosexuality. Even the motives of the characters of his work ‘The Picture Of Dorian Gray’ was questioned.



Purchase Of ‘RMS Queen Mary’

Remember this vessel, which was the yesteryear pride of the United States? The famous ocean liner was purchased from the firm ‘John Brown & Company Shipbuilding and Engineering’ by the United States on April 3, 1929.



A Plane Flies Over Mount Everest

A historic feat was achieved on April 3, 1933, right above the peaks of the cloud-kissing Mount Everest ranges. Two aircrafts, namely a ‘Westland Wallace’ and a ‘Houston-Westland’, flew at a height of approximately 100 feet above the peak of the mountains, on this day.



Leadbeater’s Possum Re-Surfaces

Leadbeater’s Possum is an endangered species which is found exclusively in Australia. These animals, which bear a striking resemblance to Slender Loris, another creature which is on the verge of extinction. It was believed that the Possum had disappeared forever from earth but on April 3, 1961, it was spotted once again. This discovery left many animal lovers amused.



The World’s First Mobile Phone Call

It is impossible to imagine a life without cell phones today, but do you know when the first wireless telephone call was made? On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, an influential employee of the telecommunication giant ‘Motorola’ created history by making the first mobile phone call from the premises of ‘Bell Labs’.



The World’s First Portable Computer Is Introduced

The ‘Osborne 1’ released on April 3, 1981, was the most sophisticated computer of its time. A product of the ‘Osborne Computer Corporation’, this computer was the only portable system at the time of its release and was quite heavy (10.7 kilos) as compared to the machines of today.



The Arrest Of Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski was an academically bright student, who was even appointed as a faculty at the esteemed ‘Harvard University’ in the United States. Unfortunately, Kaczynski turned towards crime very soon and executed several bombings across the United States between 1978 and 1995. On April 3, 1996, he was nabbed by the police officials and imprisoned for life with no scope for a parole.



Accusation Against ‘Microsoft’ By Law Authorities

The image of the multi-Billion dollar technology giant ‘Microsoft’ was tarnished to a significant extent due to a federal judge’s remarks. On April 3, 2000, the judge accused the firm founded by the legendary Bill Gates for violating antitrust laws.



The Death Of ‘Madrid Bomb Blasts’ Culprits

During March 2004, several bomb blasts rocked Spain which caused the death of approximately 191 people. The building in which the prime accused of the horrific incident stayed was surrounded by policemen on April 3, 2004. The terrorists killed themselves before the cops could reach them in order to evade arrest.



‘ATA Airlines’ Files For Bankruptcy

Aviation giants filing for bankruptcy has been a common pattern over the years. The renowned ‘ATA Airlines’ too declared it is bankrupt on April 3, 2008 and as a result stopped its operations too.



‘Apple Inc.’ Unveils The ‘iPad’

The ‘Apple’ empire released its ambitious product, the smart tablet named ‘iPad’, on April 3, 2010, a year before its founder Steve Jobs’ demise. The rest, as they say was history, ‘iPad’ became one of the largest selling tablets.

People Born This Day

William Wallace
Scottish Knight Who Became One of the Main Leaders During the First War of Scottish Independence [ Scottish ]
George Herbert
Poet recognized as one of the foremost British devotional lyricists [ British ]
Amanda Bynes
American Actress Best Known for Her Comedy Series: ‘All That’ and ‘The Amanda Show’ [ American ]
Doris Day
One of the Biggest Film Stars of Golden Age of Hollywood [ American ]
Eddie Murphy
Actor, [ American ]
Jane Goodall
English Primatologist and Anthropologist Who is Considered World's Foremost Expert on Chimpanzees [ British ]
John Harrison
Clockmaker [ British ]
Sebastian Bach
Heavy Metal Vocalist and Frontman of the Rock Band ‘Skid Row’ [ Canadian ]
Washington Irving
Author, Historian, Diplomat [ American ]
Helmut Kohl
Former Chancellor of Germany [ German ]
Allan Dwan
Director [ American ]
Marlon Brando
One of the Most Influential Actors of the 20th Century [ American ]
Richard Thompson
Best Known as the Lead Guitarist and Songwriter of the Folk Fock Group 'Fairport Convention' [ British ]
Tony Benn
Former British Politician [ British ]
Sam Manekshaw
The First Indian Army Officer to be Promoted to the Rank of Field Marshal [ Indian ]
Alec Baldwin
American Actor Known for His Versatile Performances and Comic Work [ American ]
William M. Tweed
Member of the New York Senate from 1868 to 1873 [ American ]
Neville Cardus
Writer & Critic [ British ]
Leslie Howard
English Actor, Director, Producer and One of the Biggest Box-Office Draws and Movie Idols of the 1930s [ British ]
John Demjanjuk
War Criminal [ Ukrainian ]
Brennen Taylor
YouTube Star [ American ]
Gus Grissom
Fighter Pilot, Test Pilot and Astronaut [ American ]
Jamie Hewlett
Comic Creator [ British ]
Ben Mendelsohn
Actor [ Australian ]
Coleen Rooney
Wayne Rooney’s Wife [ British ]
Cobie Smulders
Best Known for Her Role as 'Robin Scherbatsky' in 'How I Met Your Mother' [ Canadian ]
Leona Lewis
Known for Her Debut Studio Album 'Spirit' and as the Winner of Third Series of 'X-Factor' [ British ]
Roza Shanina
Soviet Sniper During World War II [ Russian ]
Fazlur Rahman Khan
Structural Engineer and Architect Known for His Innovations in High-Rise Building Construction [ Bangladeshi ]
Ivey Meeks
Youtube Star [ American ]
Jennie Garth
Actress [ American ]
Sarah Jeffery
Canadian Actress, Singer, and Dancer Known for Her TV Series: ‘Shades of Blue’, ‘Descendants’ and 'Charmed' [ Canadian ]
Will Grier
American football quarterback [ American ]
Paris Jackson
Actress, Singer-Songwriter and Musician Known for Her Album ‘Wilted’ [ American ]
Charles Gitnick
American Instagram Star [ American ]
Young M.A
American Rapper and Songwriter Known for Her 2016 Hit Single ‘Ooouuu’ [ American ]
Oracene Price
Tennis coach [ American ]
Hayley Kiyoko
Know for Her Debut Studio Album 'Expectations' [ American ]
Michael Olowokandi
Basketball Player [ American ]
Sofia Boutella
Algerian Actress and Dancer Known for Her Films: ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ and ‘Atomic Blonde’ [ Algerian ]
Kristopher London
British-American YouTube Content Creator [ British ]
Dion Yorkie
YouTuber [ British ]
Mina Myoung
Dancer, Choreographer [ South Korean ]
Wade Barnes
American YouTube Gamer Known by His Online Pseudonym ‘LordMinion777’ [ American ]
Brianna Joy White
American YouTube Star [ American ]
Kiana Brown
Singer, Actor [ American ]
Ella Bleu Travolta
Actress, John Travolta’s Daughter [ American ]
Mari Osaka
Retired Japanese Tennis Player and Fashion Designer [ Japanese ]
Gisela Getty
Photographer [ German ]
Iron Eyes Cody
Actor [ American ]
Marsha Mason
Actress [ American ]
Matthew Goode
English Actor Known for His Films: ‘Chasing Liberty’, ‘Stoker’, and ‘The Imitation Game’ [ British ]
Derek Gerard
Canadian YouTube Star [ Canadian ]
Youtuber [ British ]
David Hyde Pierce
Best Known for Starring as Psychiatrist 'Dr. Niles Crane' on the NBC Sitcom 'Frasier' [ American ]
Lyle Alzado
American Football Player [ American ]
Carlos Salinas de Gortari
60th President of Mexico (1988 - 1994) [ Mexican ]
Jennifer Rubin
Actress [ American ]
Anne Lister
English Diarist [ British ]
Christopher Romero
TikTok Star [ American ]
Emily Dobson
Dancer [ American ]
Jordan Tucker
Basketball player [ American ]
Wot Dennis
YouTube Star [ American ]
YouTube Star [ American ]
Debbie Soon
Singaporean Instagram Star [ Singaporean ]
Anthem James Tru
YouTube Star [ American ]
AJ Landy
TikTok Star [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Matt Gupta
Canadian TikToker [ Canadian ]
Beth McAlpine
British TikToker [ British ]
Max Fosh
British YouTuber [ British ]
Zakyius thetrenchfamily
American TikToker [ American ]
Quinty Mirjam
Dutch TikToker [ Dutch ]
Wasil Daoud
American TikToker [ American ]
Renae Herrera
American TikToker [ American ]
Jake Ortiz
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]
Kevin Lee
American TikToker [ American ]
August Bruce
American YouTuber [ American ]
Madison Wild
American TikToker [ American ]
Thyri Frazier
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Victoria Williams
American TikToker [ American ]
Cydnee Black
American YouTuber [ American ]
Seth Bling
American YouTuber [ American ]
American Instagrammer [ American ]
American YouTuber [ American ]

People Died This Day

Kurt Weill
German-American Composer Best Known for His Work ‘The Threepenny Opera’ [ German ]
Johannes Brahms
One of the Romantic Period's Most Revered and Popular Composers [ German ]
Henry Graham Greene
Novelist [ British ]
Terence McKenna
American Ethnobotanist, Mystic and One of the Leading Authorities on the Ontological Foundations of Shamanism [ American ]
Jesse James
American Outlaw, Bank and Train Robber and Leader of the 'James–Younger Gang' [ American ]
Carl Stokes
Former Mayor of Cleveland [ American ]
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Founder of the Maratha Kingdom of India [ Indian ]
Nizamuddin Auliya
One of the Famous Sufis from the South Asian Subcontinent [ Indian ]
Catherine Helen Spence
Author, Journalist & Politician [ Australian ]
Joseph Valachi
Gangster [ American ]
Rob Pilatus
German Singer, Rapper and Member of the Pop Music Group ‘Milli Vanilli’ [ German ]
Warren Oates
Actor [ American ]
Conrad Veidt
Best Known for His Roles in the Films: ‘Different from the Others’ and ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’ [ German ]
Tommy Lynn Sells
Serial Killer [ American ]
Carter Woodson
Historian [ American ]
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