23rd July In History

If we go by the British Statesman Edmund Burke, he says ‘those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it’, which corroborates the importance of history in our present and future. Therefore, it makes considerable sense to be aware of what history has to present in order to craft a meaningful life ahead of us. The notable discoveries, inventions, political and literary advancements of the past have paved way for a much convenient and rich lifestyle. The launch of two satellites and the invention of typewriter are some of the few milestones this day has witnessed. Be it the first swimming school in America or the lighthouse in Boston, several landmarks had mushroomed on this day, across the world. The annihilating natural calamities to the unfortunate deaths of prominent people have also made this day an unforgettable one. In addition, several developments in the field of sports have taken place on July 23rd. These include Tiger Woods winning a career Grand Slam or Lance Armstrong winning his 2nd consecutive Tour de France. This day seems to be laden with so many pivotal events which is not only unbelievable but unforgettable. Scroll down the page and you too will agree with the opening statements of the introduction which throws light on the importance of history in our present as well as future lives.




Frederick II Crowned As The King In Aachen

On this day, Frederick II, the holy Roman Emperor was crowned the King of Romans in Aachen by the German Princess. At the age of three, the mighty emperor was appointed as the King of Sicily.



Serbia Receives An Ultimatum

The ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Baron Giesl von Gieslingen, issued an ultimatum to Serbia on this day. This was triggered as a result of the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Australian throne and his wife by a Serbian nationalist in Bosnia, nearly one month ago.



The Egyptian Revolution

On this day, a group of army officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser began a revolution known as the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. The prime reason for the creation was to overthrow King Farouk 1. However, it aimed at political changes as well.



Bus Workers Strike In Britain

On this day, the entire Britain faced violent attacks by bus drivers all across, as the strike sparked by them entered the fourth day. It seemed like the drivers as well as the commuters had a tough time facing the consequences of the violent attacks.



International Agreement Signed On The Neutrality Of Laos

On this day, an international agreement was signed between fourteen states including Laos in Geneva. All the fourteen states agreed on respecting the neutrality of Laos, thereby abstaining from any sort of intervention in the internal affairs of Laos. Despite the agreement, the situations didn’t improve in the region. In fact, it worsened during the Vietnam War.



President Johnson Announces A State Of National Emergency

On this day, former U.S. President, Lyndon B. Johnson was urged by many to declare a state of emergency in the United States, considering the turbulent situations prevailing in Vietnam. In addition, Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense, suggested Johnson to expand the military in South Vietnam.



The Detroit Riot

The Detroit riot (12th Street riot), one of the most destructive riots in the history of America, happened during the wee hours, this day. It happened as a result of police raids of an unauthorized bar on the 12th street corner and Clairmount Avenue of the city.



Doctor’s Strike In Germany

Nearly 70,000 doctors from more than 700 hospitals, continued to protest for better wages and work conditions, on this day. However, the doctors ensured that the emergency care provision remains functional, despite the strike.



Iraq War Veterans Sue United States Government

The injured veterans of the Iraq war sued the U.S. Department of Veteran affairs on this day. The war veterans were frustrated due to the delay in providing health treatments and a relief for those suffering from disability.



Iceland Submitted Its EU Application

Iceland submitted its formal application to join the European Union on July 23rd, 2009. The country underwent an economic collapse in 2008, which instigated the country’s leaders to join the European Union, with a hope that they would get some economic stability.



Myanmar Releases Political Prisoners

Thein Sein, the President of Myanmar, ordered the release of seventy three political prisoners from the Myanmar prisons. Burma had been undergoing transition from military rule to democracy under the Presidency of Thein Sein.



Henry Halleck Takes Charge Of The Union Army

In an attempt to improvise on the Union war efforts, General Henry Halleck took on the role of general-in-chief for all the Union forces. Before the civil war, Halleck served the Mexican- American War and later became the railroad president as well.



The Downing Street Memo

On this day, a meeting happened between the senior British government officials as well as defense and intelligent officials to discuss on the intent for war in Iraq. It even included American policies of involving military action to get Saddam Husain removed.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Italy Shaken By Earthquake

On this day, a high intensity earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7, struck the southern area of Italy, with upper Irpinia being the worst affected. The deadly disaster left close to 1500 people dead and thousands injured. The reason behind this tremor is assigned to the poor quality of construction material of the buildings and the soil on which towns and villages were built.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Commander-In-Chief Dies In Prison

On this day, French General Henri-Philippe Petain, known for his exceptional leadership, died at the age of 95, in prison. He was sentenced to life imprisonment due to his collaboration with the Germans, who occupied France during World War II


Disasters & Natural Calamities

The After Effects Of American Legion Event In Philadelphia

On this day, an event to celebrate the bicentennial of U.S. independence happened in Philadelphia, in which members of American Legion had gathered. Several days after the event, many people developed symptoms of Pneumonia that caused nearly 34 deaths. After an investigation, it was found that a CDC microbiologist, Joseph McDade had isolated the bacteria which caused pneumonia.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

Mishap On The Sets Of Twilight Zone

On this day, American actor Vic Morrow along with Renee Shinn Chen and Myca Dinh Le, two child actors died on the sets of the movie ‘Twilight Zone’ in California. This happened as a result of shooting of a scene of a Vietnam War battle which involved the three artists to run from a helicopter approaching them. It seemed like the pilot lost control, which caused the plane to crash on the three of them, resulting in their instant deaths.


Disasters & Natural Calamities

An Earthquake With 6.8 Magnitude Strikes Japan

On this day, an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale shook the island of Honshu in Japan. The quake left nearly 90 people injured and caused landslides and power failures.



Eddy Merckx’s 4th Consecutive Tour De France Victory

Belgium based Eddy Merckx won the fourth consecutive Tour de France bicycling competition on this day. He worked hard on his cycling skills and mastered it to an extent where he was given the nickname ‘The Cannibal’, since he didn’t let anyone else win.



U.S. Women Bring Home Gymnastic Gold Medal

The female gymnastics team of America won the first gold medal in the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Gerogia. The team, comprising of seven members, performed to the best of its ability and defeated the champions, Russia and Romania.



Tiger Woods, Youngest Player To Win The Grand Slam

The famous American golf professional, Tiger Woods, made history by winning the Grand Slam at the 129th British Open and became the youngest player (24 years) to complete a career Grand Slam. To bag a career Grand Slam, one needs to win all four major tournaments once in their career.



Lance Armstrong’s 2nd Victory In Tour De France

On this day, American cyclist Lance Armstrong, won the second Tour de France event, which is considered to be the most prestigious cycling race. However, the U.S. anti-doping agency later in 2012 announced the disqualification of Armstrong on the charges of doping.


Literature & Entertainment

America’s First Typewriter Patented

On this day, Father of the typewriter, William Burt got his invention patented. The patent signed by former President Andrew Jackson offered him absolute rights for fourteen years.



First Lighthouse Built In America

On this day, the General court of Massachusetts gave its nod for the construction of a lighthouse in Boston, which was the first of its kind to be built in America back then. The tower, which came to be known as Boston Light opened the following year i.e. 1716.



Typhoid Fever Takes Roger Sherman’s Life

Roger Sherman, a Connecticut based statesman, succumbed to typhoid on this day, he was 72 then. He was a member of the ‘Committee of Five’ that was formed to draft the ‘Declaration of Independence’.



First American Swimming School

On this day in Boston, Massachusetts, the first swimming school opened. Sources claim the former U.S. President, John Quincy Adams and a famous naturalist, James Audubon, had visited the swimming school back then, to join as pupils.



Henry David Thoreau Gets Inspired To Write Civil Disobedience

Henry David Thoreau, an American philosopher, poet and journalist was arrested on the charge of non-payment of poll tax. He had to spend one night behind bars which sparked the idea of writing the famous civil disobedience which got published in 1849.



Alexandra Park Opened In London

The famous Alexandra Park, named after a famous royal from Denmark, opened to the public on 23rd July, 1863. The palace is built on a hill, which is now a conference center.



First Railroad Passenger Service In Ohio

On this day, the America’s first municipal railroad service became operational from Cincinnati to Chattanooga to the Norfolk Southern Railroad. The railroad service has played a significant role in U.S. from the industrial revolution times.



Black Bart Robs Again

The infamous outlaw, Black Bert popular for his style of leaving poetic messages after committing robberies got involved in another crime on this day. This time around, he robbed a ‘Wells Fargo’ Stagecoach, which had a small safe with few hundred dollars, a watch and a diamond ring.



Former American President Dies Of Throat Cancer

On this fateful day, the former President of the United States, Ulysses S Grant, died due to throat cancer. The absence of his wife and children while serving in the Mexican- American War, forced him into alcohol consumption which deteriorated his health. Later, he even developed a habit of smoking cigars, which possibly caused throat cancer.



Steve Brodie Jumped From The Brooklyn Bridge And Survived

On this day, it is believed that Steve Brodie from New York City jumped from the towering Brooklyn Bridge and survived. This stunt of his made him popular among the masses. He soon opened up a saloon and was even offered a career of a performer.



First ‘Model A’ Of ‘Ford’ Was Sold

On this day, American automobile company, Ford sold its first Ford ‘Model A’ which was the first production car by Ford. The owner of the first Ford’s car model was a Chicago based dentist, Ernest Pfenning. The car was known for its high volume, simplicity and economy.



Invention Of First Ice-Cream Cone

On this day, Charles E. Menches came up with the idea of an ice-cream cone, when he along with his brother, were at the St. Louis World’s Fair. The idea struck him when he observed few people putting ice cream in their cakes which had small holes in them. That’s when he filled his pastry cone with two scoops of ice cream which resulted in the invention of ice cream cones.



Series Of Bizarre Deaths In Nebraska

Della Sorenson, a schizophrenic, claimed by the doctors, committed her first murder of poisoning her sister in law’s daughter on this day. She was found guilty of killing many other people among her family, friends and acquaintances, who met with the same fate, under bizarre circumstances.



First Rancher In Montana Dies

Denmark based Conrad Kohrs, one of the first ranchers in the western state of Montana died in Helena on this day. At a tender age of fifteen, he moved to the U.S. in pursuit of making money and ended up being the largest and probably the only cattle rancher in Montana for years. Eventually, he got into politics as well and became the state senator.



Submarine Nautilus Departs From Pearl Harbor

As a part of ‘Operations Sunshine’, the submarine ‘USS Nautilus’, with over hundred sailors, departed from Pearl harbor, Hawaii, under secret orders on this day. These men achieved the goal of becoming the first vessel to cross the North Pole by ship on 3rd August, 1958.



Launch Of First Telecommunication Satellite

The era of satellite television started on this day when communication satellite, ‘Telstar’ facilitated the first live television broadcast in Europe. Millions of people watched this historic spectacle and soon this new technology was very much in demand.



Launch Of Satellite ‘Landsat 1’

On this day, ‘NASA’ achieved its goal of launching the first civilian Earth observation satellite by launching ‘Landsat 1’ which became the ‘Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1)’. ‘Landsat’ is a land remote sensing satellite program and since 1972, it has been providing significant data of Earth’s land surfaces.



‘Miss America’ Gives Up Her Title

Vanessa Williams, who was 21 years old back then, was the first black woman to be crowned as Miss America, forfeited her title on this day. This happened after the magazine ‘Penthouse’ shared its plans of publishing inappropriate photos of the model in its September issue. This was the first ever resignation which took place in the history.



Leukemia Threat Due To Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant

A government report has confirmed higher number of Leukemia cases in the areas around Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant in Cumbria. However, it was later said that there wasn’t much evidence to explicitly prove the link between the disease and the nuclear plant.



‘Amiga 1000’ Introduced By Commodore

The North America based computer and hardware manufacturer, ‘Commodore International’ introduced the first personal computer ‘Amiga 1000’ on this day. The computer soon became quite popular and started being used widely due to its varied features and capabilities.



Prince Andrew And Sarah Ferguson Wedding

The Duke of York, Prince Andrew got married to Sarah Ferguson in Westminster Abbey, London. The two knew each other since childhood and got romantically involved after meeting at a party held at Windsor Castle. Following which Andrew put forth the marriage proposal to Sarah.



Child Abuse By Church’s Priests In Massachusetts

As per the reports of the Massachusetts Attorney General, hundreds of children were apparently sexually abused by the priests and other authorities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese. The report was revealed to the public on this day.



Bomb Explosion In Egypt Resort

On this day, some 88 people got killed and nearly 200 injured in a terrorist attack that occurred in Sharm el-Sheik, a resort in Egypt. Sources suggest that explosion happened as a result of suicide bombers who indulged in the attack through two car bombs.



Most Wanted Spanish Bank Robber Arrested

The notorious serial bank robber, Jaime Gimenez, was arrested on this day in Figueira da Foz, Portugal while he was on a mission to loot another bank. It is believed that he was charged of 31 bank robberies and even murdering three men.



Honda Manufacturers Its 6 Millionth Civic

On this day in North America, the famous Japanese Automobile giant ‘Honda’ produced its six millionth ‘Civic’. The Motor Company was into manufacturing motorcycles first, however, later, it expanded to automobiles as well.



Amy Winehouse Found Dead In Her Home In London

Acclaimed singer and award-winner, Amy Winehouse, aged 27, was found dead in her flat in London on this day. The reason of her death is still a mystery to many, however if sources are to be believed, she died due of drug overdose.



Sally Ride Dies Of Pancreatic Cancer

Sally Ride, an American physicist and astronaut, who was the first American woman to go to space, died after battling pancreatic cancer for 17 months. She was 61, at the time of her death. She had received many awards and honors and had significantly contributed in the field of science and space exploration.



NASA’s Kepler Mission Discovers Planet Similar To Earth

The team of NASA’s Kepler mission announced its discovery of a planet ‘Kepler-452’ in one of the press conferences held on this day. The new planet discovered seems to closely resemble our planet Earth in orbit as well as size.

People Born This Day

Charisma Carpenter
Best Known for Her Role as ‘Cordelia Chase’ in Series ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and Its Spinoff 'Angel' [ American ]
Monica Lewinsky
Former White House Intern [ American ]
Raymond Chandler
Novelist and Screenwriter [ British ]
Daniel Radcliffe
English Actor Who Became Popular for Portraying Harry Porter in the Eponymous Film Series [ British ]
Woody Harrelson
Actor and Playwright [ American ]
Gail Devers
One of the Greatest and Most Decorated Female Sprinters of All Time [ American ]
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Actor Best Known for His Films: 'Capote' and 'Charlie Wilson's War' [ American ]
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Indian Independence Activist and One Third of the 'Lal Bal Pal' Triumvirate [ Indian ]
Najib Razak
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia [ Malaysian ]
Haile Selassie
Former Emperor of Ethiopia (1930 - 1936, 1941 - 1974) [ Ethiopian ]
Vladimir Prelog
Organic Chemist Who Won Nobel Prize for His Research into the Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules and Reactions [ Swiss ]
Musician [ British ]
Don Imus
Radio Talk Show Host [ American ]
Guru Har Krishan
Eighth Sikh Guru [ Indian ]
Chandra Shekhar Azad
Indian Revolutionary Who Reorganised Hindustan Socialist Republican Association [ Indian ]
Maurice Greene
American Former Track and Field Sprinter and Olympic Medalist [ American ]
David Dobrik
One of the Most-Watched YouTube Creators and Co-Founder of the Photography App ‘Dispo’ [ Slovak ]
Michael Foot
Politician [ British ]
Stephanie Seymour
Actress, Model [ American ]
Bert Convy
Actor and Host of Game Shows: ‘Tattletales’, ‘Super Password’ and ‘Win, Lose or Draw’ [ American ]
Anthony Kennedy
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States [ American ]
John Torode
Australian-British Celebrity Chef and TV Presenter Known for His Show ‘MasterChef’ on BBC One [ Australian ]
Kaelyn Wilkins
YouTuber [ American ]
Marlon Wayans
Actor, Comedian, Writer and Producer [ American ]
Roc Royal
American Rapper and Dancer [ American ]
Katie LeBlanc
Mother of YouTube stars Caleb, Annie, & Hayley [ American ]
Paul Wesley
Actor, Director and Producer Known for His Role as ‘Stefan Salvatore’ in the TV Series ‘The Vampire Diaries’ [ American ]
Jess Conte
YouTube Star [ Australian ]
Dave Hester
Reality TV Star, Professional Auctioneer [ American ]
Stephanie March
Actress [ American ]
Daxton McKnight
YouTuber [ American ]
Symphony Rader
YouTuber [ American ]
Waliyha Malik
British Social Media Personality [ British ]
Lola Iolani Momoa
Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet’s Daughter [ American ]
Phyllis Fierro
Wife of Ralph George Macchio Jr. [ American ]
Lexi Downie
Model, Social Media Influencer [ American ]
Samantha Beckinsale
Actress [ British ]
Evelyn McGee-Colbert
American Actress [ American ]
Christina Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Daughter [ American ]
Ronny Cox
Actor [ American ]
American Rapper [ American ]
James Holzhauer
Games Show Contestant, Best Known for His 32-Game Winning Streak as Champion on the Quiz Show 'Jeopardy!' [ American ]
Lili Simmons
Actress and Model Known for Her Role as ‘Rebecca Bowman’ in the TV Series ‘Banshee’ [ American ]
Kathryn Hahn
Best Known for Her Role as 'Lily Lebowski' in the NBC Crime Drama Series 'Crossing Jordan' [ American ]
Matilda Ziegler
Actress [ British ]
Edie McClurg
Actress Stand-up comedian [ American ]
Joivan Wade
Actor [ British ]
Tony Joe White
Singer-songwriter [ American ]
Charles Harrelson
American Hitman and Organized Crime Figure Who Was Convicted of Assassinating Federal Judge John H. Wood Jr. [ American ]
Larry Manetti
Actor [ American ]
Sergio Mattarella
President of Italy Since 2015 [ Italian ]
TikTok Star [ American ]
Rhegan Coursey
TikTok Star [ American ]
Kyd Spaz
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Hunter Paige
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Aliyah Ortega
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Markus Ortega
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Maya Henry
Canadian YouTuber [ Canadian ]
Koji Revenge
British Twitch Streamer [ British ]
British YouTuber [ British ]
British YouTuber [ British ]
Oliver Blank
American TikToker [ American ]
Westen Champlin
American YouTuber [ American ]
Natalie Bebko
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Eden Estrada
American Instagrammer [ American ]
Kendall Gray
American YouTuber [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
American TikToker [ American ]
Sammy Vanity
American TikToker [ American ]
Emily Munyak
American TikToker [ American ]
Fallon Twombley
American TikToker [ American ]

People Died This Day

Cordell Hull
47th United States Secretary of State [ American ]
Domenico Scarlatti
Italian Composer Best Known for His ‘555 Keyboard Sonatas’ [ Italian ]
Amy Jade Winehouse
Known for Her Deep, Expressive Contralto Vocals and Her Eclectic Mix of Musical Genres [ British ]
Ulysses S. Grant
Civil War Hero and the 18th President of the United States [ American ]
Alberto Santos Dumont
Brazilian aviator [ Brazilian ]
Chaim Potok
Author [ American ]
D. W. Griffith
American Director Who is One of the Most Influential Figures in the History of the Motion Picture [ American ]
Sally Ride
The First American Woman and The Third Woman in Space [ American ]
Steven Weinberg
American Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Laureate in Physics [ American ]
Andrew Cunanan
FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive [ American ]
William Tubman
19th President of Liberia (1944 - 1971) [ Liberian ]
Philippe Pétain
Prime Minister of France from 1940 to 1942 [ Andorran ]
William Ramsay
Scottish Chemist Who Discovered the Noble Gases [ Scottish ]
Mohammed Zahir Shah
King of Afghanistan from 1933 to 1973 [ Afghan ]
Montgomery Clift
Actor [ American ]
Henry Hallett Dale
English Physiologist, Pharmacologist and 1936 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine [ British ]
Ernst Otto Fischer
Chemist [ German ]
Eddie Rickenbacker
American Fighter Pilot Who Played an Important Role in World War I [ American ]
Götz von Berlichingen
Imperial Knight, Mercenary, Poet [ German ]
Vic Morrow
Actor and Director Best Known for His ABC Drama Series ‘Combat!’ [ American ]
Van Heflin
Best Known for His Role as ‘Jeff Hartnett’ in the Film ‘Johnny Eager’ [ American ]
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