History does not interest many because many are of the opinion that they are filled with incessant events. The dates of the occurrence of these events, their chronology and the labyrinth of interlinks related to these events makes History too complicated a subject for a few. However, there are millions to whom history is too intriguing to be ignored. It is that story of our past which has been told and retold ‘n’ number of times and yet hasn’t lost its charm. True! If we stop considering history as just a subject, which we need to study to get good grades, there can be nothing as fascinating as this. We have all grown up listening to bedtime stories and these say how much we love stories. Therefore, these stories of our past too are meant to absorb us and the fact that these are true, makes it all the more engrossing. If we start with a random date like 1st June, we will find how various occurrences on this particular day, has made this an important one. Gradually, when we look up the events, we find the answers to several questioned which have often piqued our minds. Sometimes, as the happenings unfold, we also come across information which we never knew existed. Ergo, why not explore 1st June and feed our inquisitiveness.