Someone wise once said, "Life is all about sequence of events; although every event is a successor as well as predecessor of another one." Isn't it true that one incident which occurs in the present has an impact somewhere in someone's life, and it is the result of some events that occurred in the past? Hence it is important to be acquainted with the pages of history as only then will be in a better position to handle our present and future. Let us begin by looking at the events that occurred across the globe on March 16. Some of these will surely take you by surprise and leave you wondering how differently things would have turned out in just matter of seconds. From historical exhumations to bloody battles to landmark technological advancements and politics, this day in history is laden with information on myriad topics. The watershed battle of Averasborough, or the first ever sex discrimination lawsuit, the massacre of Jews at York and the successful testing of V2 rockets are some of the momentous incidents that occurred on this fateful date. Indulge your grey cells and soak in the stories from the past. Tune in to Today in History!